
动词不定式与动名词作宾语的区别英语中有的及物动词 及物动词只能跟动名词作宾语;有的及物动词 及物动词只能跟动词不定 及物动词 及物动词 式作宾语;但也有及物动词 及物动词的宾语既是动名词又是动词不定式。区别在于: 及物动词 want,decide,promise,refuse,agree,wish,hope, 一、在 want,decide,promise,refuse,agree,wish,hope,expect 等及物动词后面的宾语只能是动词不定式,不是动名词。 等及物动词后面的宾语只能是动词不定式,不是动名词。如: 1.I want to have a talk with her.我想跟她谈谈。 2.Our teacher decided to stay with us.老师决定留下来与我们在一起。 3.My English teacher promised to lend some books to me.我的英语老师答应借给我一些书。4.My mother refused to go there with us.我妈妈拒绝和我们一起去那里。 二、在一些动词后要求只跟动名词作宾语: 在一些动词后要求只跟动名词作宾语 1、在 finish,enjoy,mind,suggest,practise,admit 承认 advise 建议 allow允许 appreciate 感激,avoid 避免,consider 考虑,delay 推迟,deny 否认,discuss 讨论,dislike 不喜欢,enjoy 喜爱,escape 逃脱,excuse 原谅,fancy设想 ,finish 完成,forbid 禁止,forgive 原谅,giveup放弃 ,imagine想像,keep 保持,mention 提及,mind 介意 允许,practise 练习,prevent 阻止,putmiss没赶上,pardon 原谅,permitoff推迟,report 报告,risk 冒险,stop停止,suggest 建议,understand 理解。 我建议再等几天。1.I advise waiting a few more days. 2.I admit breaking the window.我承认窗子是我打破的。 设法想像你是在月球上。 他设法逃避惩罚。 你不应老想着这事。3.Try to imagine being on the moon.4.He tried to escape being punished.5.You shouldn’t keep thinking about it.6.Would you mind going with her?你可否同她一起去? 对孩子那样毫不经7.I can’t understand neglecting children like that.心,我不能理解。8.We only missed seeing each other by five minutes.而未能见面。我们只因差五分钟9.Would you mind opening the window?打开窗好吗? 10.These books are well worth reading.这些书值得读。 11.My mother couldn't help smiling when she heard the good news.听到那好消息,我妈妈情不自禁地笑起来。12.My father has given up smoking.我父亲戒烟了。 13.Everyone in my class enjoys playing football.我班人人喜欢踢足球。 14.Mike often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 15.The doctor suggested that I avoid smoking and drinking for a month. 16.Would you mind opening the window? 17.The murderer denied killing the rich man. 18.I would appreciate your keeping it a secret. 2、有些短语动词和结构后面也要求跟动名词作宾语。 有些短语动词和结构后面也要求跟动名词作宾语 这样的短语动词常见的有:insist on, be worth,object/objection to, put off,keep on,insist on,leave off,look forward to,think of, can't help, be/get used to, spend...in , can’t stand忍不住;feellike 如:想,欲;giveup放弃;put off推迟,can’thelp忍不住,goon 等。1. Do you feel like going out for dinner with me tonight? 2. Chinese people are looking forward to holding the 27th Olympic games. 3. I am used to going to bed late and getting up late. 4. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used to students' being late for his lecture. 5. I have no objection_to hearing your story again. 6. He put off making a decision till he had more information.在获得详情之前,他没有急于作出决定。7. Do you feel like taking a walk?你要不要去散步? 8. We are looking forward to coming to China.我们期待着来中国。 9. We succeeded in getting over all the difficulties.我们终于克服了所有的困难。3、在一些特别的句子结构中要求使用动名词: 在一些特别的句子结构中要求使用动名词 1. “have problem (+in) + 动名词, 2. have fun (+in) + 动名词, 3. have difficulty in doing sth., 4. have trouble/a hard time in doing sth.; 5. be busy (in) + 动名词; 6. waste time (in) + 动名词; lose time (in) + 动名词;以上动名词做介词宾语,in 常要省去。例如: The children are busy doing their homework.。孩子们忙于做作业。 4、在下列结构中动名词作主语。 “There is(was) no + doing”结构中作主语。 there be no need + 动名词, There is no point (in) + 动名词”等结构中, There is no point (in) making the simple experiments once again. 再做一次这种简单的实验是毫无意义的。 There is no denying that she is very efficient. 否认的。 作形式主语, 5、当动名词做主语时,我们常用先行词 it 作形式主语,而把真正的主语 当动名词做主语时, 动名词放到句尾,特别要注意如下结构: 动名词放到句尾,特别要注意如下结构: 1. It is useless (no use, no good, fun, no harm, a waste of time, a good pleasure) doing... 2. It is a waste of time doing... 3. It is worthwhile doing...【例如】 It is no use crying over spilt milk. It is a waste of time discussing such matters with him. It is no good leaving today's work for tomorrow. 6、动名词在 demand, deserve, need, require, want 等动词后面作宾语 时,表示被动的意思。【例如】 表示被动的意思。 1. My shoes need mending. 2. The following language points deserve mentioning. 她效率高是不容3. This matter demands discussing. 4. Your hair wants cutting. It is no good writing to him; he never answers letters.写信给他不 妥,他从来不回信。 It is no use your complaining; the company won’t do anything about it.抱怨是没有用的,公司是不会管的。 It is good playing chess after supper.晚饭后弈棋挺好。 It is useless speaking.光说是没有用的。 begin,start,like,hate,remember, 等及物动词后, 三、在 begin,start,like,hate,remember,forget 等及物动词后,既 可用动名词作宾语又可用动词不定式作宾语,但意义不同 可用动名词作宾语又可用动词不定式作宾语,但意义不同。 1、在 like 后用动名词作宾语,表示“习惯或爱好”,时间不明确。其后 接动词不定式作宾语,表示“喜欢要做的某一特定动作”,时间明确。如: 1)He likes playing basketball.她喜欢打篮球。(爱好) 2)We don't like to play football today.我们今天不想踢足球。(指 活动) 2、在 like,hate 后接动名词作宾语时,动名词这个动作的发出者,可能 是句子的主语或者是指其他人。如: 1)My friend likes singing.我的朋友喜欢唱歌。(可能自己喜欢唱,也可能喜欢别人唱)2)My friend likes to sing.我朋友喜欢唱。(自己唱) 3)I hate to smoke.我不喜欢吸烟。(指自己不吸烟) 4)My mother hates smoking.我母亲反对吸烟。(自己不吸,也反对别人吸)begin, 后接动名词作宾语,表示有意识地“开始” 3 在 begin,start 后接动名词作宾语,表示有意识地“开始”;接动词不 定式表示无意识地“开始”。如: 式表示无意识地“开始” 1)She began to study Chinese after she came to Chine.她来中国后就开始学汉语。(并非主观意识)2)He began teaching himself Japanese in 2000.他自 2000 年开始自学日语。(主观意识)3) teachers started travelling a long way from Shanghai to Beijing. My老师们从上海至北京开始了长途旅行。4)It started to rain at ten last night.昨晚十点开始下起雨来。(没主观意识)(不再是宾语) 意思是不同的: 四、在部分动词后用动名词作宾语或不定式 不再是宾语) 意思是不同的 1、在 stop、try、can’t help 、go on 后面用动名词或 to do 不定式意 思不一样。 在 stop 后面用动名词说明动名词所表示的动作终止;用动词不定式不再是 宾语,是作目的状语,以表示动词不定式所表示动作的开始。如: 1)They stopped talking as soon as they say me.他们一看见我,就 停止了谈话。(talking 终止) 2)They stopped to talk with me as soon as they saw me.一看见我, 他们就停下来与我交谈。(开始了 to talk with me) 2、当 remember,forget,regret 后面用动名词作宾语时,动名词一般指 remember,forget, 后面用动名词作宾语时, 早于这些动作而发生的动作;用动词不定式时, 早于这些动作而发生的动作;用动词不定式时,一般使晚于这些动作而发 生的动作。 生的动作。如: 1)I remembered seeing him somewhere.我记得在什么地方见过他。 (seeing 早于 remember 发生)2)I remembered to see the film。我记得要看这部电影。(remember 发生时,to see 还未发生) 3)I forgot teaching the students the words.我忘记了曾教过学生们 这些词。(已经教过) 4)I forgot to teach the students the words。我忘了教学生们这些词。 can’t help ,go on 五、使用动名词的注意事项: 使用动名词的注意事项 (1) 有的动词后接动名词作宾语时通常带有逻辑主语。如: 1. The rain prevented his coming. 下雨使他不能来。 2. Excuse my opening your letter by mistake. 原谅我不慎把你的信拆 开。 (2) 有的动词(如 advise, allow, forbid, permit 等)后虽然不能直接跟 不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾语补足语。如: 1. He advised buying a computer. 他建议买台电脑。 2. He advised her to buy a computer. 他建议她买台电脑 (3) 有些动词(如 consider, understand, discuss 等)虽不接不定式作宾 语,却可接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语。如: 1. Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到那儿去? 2.She doesn’t understand how to look after him. 她不知道应如何照 顾他。 3.We discussed what to do and where we should go. 我们讨论了该怎 么办及到哪里去。 (4)动名词作介词宾语动名词作介词宾语,并且和介词构成介词短语。 【例如】 She left without saying anything to us.Man's dream of landing on the moon came true in1968.I am afraid of being punished by the teacher.Ann never dreams of ____for her to be sent abroad very soon.(CET-4 1998,6) A) there being a chance C) there be a chance B) there to be D) being a chanceof 为介词,后面接动名词做宾语,因此 B 和 C 都可以排除。另外,根据句 意:安妮从来没有梦想过她有一个很快被送出国的机会,介词后面含有 “有”的意思,用 there be 结构表达,故正确答案为 A.动词不定式和动名词用法小结1. 不定式 不定式可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语和补语等。如: She kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose the job. 为了不丢掉工作,她对这次事故保持沉默。 (目的状语) It always pays to tell the truth. 说实话总是不吃亏的。 (作主语) It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. 天太晚了,我们决定坐出租车回家。(作宾语) The next train to arrive was from New York. 下一列到站的火车是从纽约开来的。(作定语) He gave the order to start the attack. 他发出了开始进攻的命令。(作同位语) 请注意以下用法: (1) 不定式在句中作目的状语,常意为“为了” 。不定式一般放在句末,但有时为了强调目的,也可 以放在句首。 To pass the exam, the students have to work hard. 为了通过考试,学生们不得不努力学习。 但是,有些带 to 的固定搭配,一般放在句首,并不是表示目的。 to be honest 诚实地讲 to be frank 坦率地讲 to tell you the truth 跟你说实话吧 to begin with 首先to make matters worse 更糟糕的是 (2) only/never to do sth 作结果状语 The general left home, never to return. 将军离家而去,一去不复返。 Alice hurried to school, only to find it was Sunday. 爱丽丝迅速赶到学校,结果发现是星期日。 2. 动名词 动名词在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语和补语等(但不能作状语)。 It is useless speaking. 光说没有用。 (作主语) The main thing is getting there in time.首要的事是及时到达那里。 (作表语) I suggest doing it in a different way. 我建议换一种方法做此事。 (作宾语) They set up an operating table in a small temple. 他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。 (作定语) I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul.我管这叫做拆东墙补西墙。 (作补语) 3. 两者的部分区别 (1) 动名词与不定式在很多情况下可以互用,但是表示具体的、特定情况下或有待于完成的动作常 用不定式。如: Would you like to play football this afternoon? 你今天下午愿意踢球吗? To get there by bike will take us half an hour. 骑车子到那儿将花费我们半个小时的时间。 (2) 有些动词只能跟动名词作宾语而不跟不定式作宾语,有些则只能跟不定式而不能跟动名词作宾 语,另外还有一些则两者兼可(有时意义基本相同,区别不大,而有时又意义截然相反)。 注意以下区别 go on doing sth. 继续干同一件事 go on to do sth. 接着干另外一件事 stop doing sth. 停止干某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去干某事 forget doing sth. 忘记已干了某事 forget to do sth. 忘记要干某事 remember doing sth.记得已经干了某事 remember to do sth. 记住要干某事 try doing sth. 试着干某事 try to do sth. 设法干某事 mean doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth. 打算干某事 can’t help doing sth. 禁不住干某事 can’t help(to)do sth. 不能帮助干某事 regret doing sth. 后悔干了某事 regret to do sth. 因要做某事而遗憾 You should say sorry to your brother. 你应该向你的兄弟道歉。 No, I don’t regret quarrelling with him. 不,我不后悔与他吵架。 I regret to tell you that you have been dismissed. 我很遗憾地告诉你被开除了。 练习 1. He reached the top of the hill and stopped _____ on a big rock. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest 2. I can’t help _____ housework at home these days because I am busy _____ for the entrance examination.A. doing; preparing B. with doing; to prepare C. done; to prepare D. to do; preparing 3. I can’t stand _____ nothing _____ all day. A. to having; to do B. having; to do C. to have; doing D. having; doing 4. — For what reason do you want to stop me from going home? — Your work includes _____ the bowls. A. to wash B. wash C. washing D. washed 5. Which do you enjoy _____ your spare time, playing computer games or reading? A. spending B. having spent C. to have spent D. to spend 6. We don’t allow _____ here. Those who smoke are not allowed _____ here. A. smoking; smoking B. to smoke; to smoke C. to smoke; smoking D. smoking; to smoke 7. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _____ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting Key:1-7. CDBCDDA (3) 有些动词后接动名词主动式可表被动意义,相当于其不定式被动式。 如: It needs repairing. / It needs to be repaired. 它需要修理。 (4)在 should, (would) like, love 等之后须用不定式。 I’d like to thank you again. 我想再次感谢你。 I’d love to come tomorrow. 明天我再来 (5) 有时修辞上需要变换,为了避免连用不定式或动名词。如: The students have begun planning to open a class on the correct use of characters for workers in nearby factories. 学生们已开始计划为附近工厂的工人开办一个班教他们正确运用汉字。 (6) 有些动词接 “介词+动名词” 如: apologize for doing sth. , (为做某事而表示歉意) succeed in doing ; sth. (成功做某事);think of doing sth (想做某事);有些动词既可接“介词+动名词” ,亦可接不定式。 二者意义有时相同,有时则有所不同。如: agree on doing sth (协议做某事) agree to do sth (同意做某事) think about doing sth (考虑做某事) think to do sth (想要或记得做某事) (7)有些名词后常用不定式,如:ability, ambition, permission 等。 有些名词后常接 “介词+动名词” 如: advice on/about doing sth , (关于做某事的忠告) skill in doing ; sth(做某事的技巧) ;success in doing sth(做某事的成功); experience in/of doing sth(做某事方面的经 验); 有些名词则两者兼可,如: attempt (企图) +at doing sth 或 to do sth chance (机会)+ to do sth 或 of doing sth reason (理由)+for doing sth 或 to do sth way (方法)+of doing sth 或 to do sth (8) 有些形容词后常接不定式,如 able, difficult, easy, free, lucky, ready, sure 等等。 有些形容词后常接“介词+动名词”结构,如: fond of doing sth (喜爱做某事); tired of doing sth (厌倦做某事);right in doing sth(做某事做得对) 有些形容词则两者兼可,如:proud (自豪的)+of being 或 to be;fortunate (幸运的)+in doing sth 或 to do sth.

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