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Test 2

Part I 日常会话

1. – Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?

-- .

A. OK, but I have to go to a mee

ting now

B. No, I can’t

C. I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet

my parents

D. I don’t know

2. – Hi, is Mary there, please?


A. Hold on. I’ll get her. B. No,

she isn’t here.

C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes,

what do you want?

3. – Please help yourself to the fish.

-- .

A. Thanks, but fish doesn’t agree with me

B. Sorry, I can’t help

C. I don’t like fish

D. No, I can’t

4. – Hurry up, please, or I’ll be late.

-- .

A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now B. Well, it’s

alright, sir

C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are

going the right way

5. – Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?

-- .

A. Don’t ask that

B. Sorry, I’m a stranger here

C. No, I can’t say that D.

No, you’re driving too fast

6. – How about going to the cinema tonight, Jane?

-- .

A. I don’t think so

B. I’m sorry. I have to drive my mother home tonight

C. Never mind

D. Take it easy

7. – Are you ready to order desert, please?

-- .

A. Yes, please B.

Please don’t order it

C. No, don’t mention it D. Yes, I’d

like to have some chocolate cake

8. – Did Tom tell you to water the flowers?

-- .

A. No. And so did I B. No.

And neither did I

C. He did. And so I did D. He did.

And so do I

9. – Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?

-- .

A. I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind

B. Sorry, I don’t like neither

C. Certainly, why not?

D. Yes, we like these two places

10. – Would you mind changing seats with me?

-- .

A. Yes, you can B. Of

course, I like to

C. No, I don’t mind D.

Certainly, please do

Part I I 阅


Passage 1

When Mrs. Joseph Groeger died recently in Vienna, Austria,

people asked the question, “Why did she live to be 107?” Answers

were provided by a survey conducted among 148 Viennese men and women

who had reached the age of 100. Somewhat surprising was the fact

that the majority had lived most of their lives in cities. In spite

of the city’s image as an unhealthy place, city living often

provides benefits that country living can lack. One factor seems to

be important to the longevity of those interviewed.

This factor is exercise. In the cities it is often faster to walk

short distances than to wait for a bus. Even taking public

transportation often requires some walking. Smaller apartment houses

have no elevators, and so people must climb stairs. City people can

usually walk to local supermarkets. Since parking spaces are hard to

find, there is often no alternative to walking.

On the other hand, those who live in the country and suburbs do not

have to walk every day. In fact, the opposite is often true. To go

to school, work, or almost anywhere else, they must ride in cars.

11. The Vienna survey may help to explain .

A. the complaints of people in apartmen

t houses

B. the cause of Mrs. Groeger’s death

C. the longevity of people like Mrs. Groeger

D. the image of cities in general

12. The purpose of the second paragraph is to list some .

A. benefits of walking B.

occasions for walking in city life

C. comments made by city people D. problems of city


13. To reach the third floor of a building, it would probably be

most healthful .

A. to take the elevator B. to

walk up the stairs

C. to ride in a car

D. to find an alternative to walking

14. People who live in the country probably do more driving than

walking because .

A. they don’t live near business areas B. they

don’t need the exercise

C. they never have parking problems D. they can’t

afford to take the bus

15. A conclusion that can be drawn from this passage is that


A. air pollution is not serious

B. anyone can live to be 107

C. country people should move to the city

D. walking is healthful exercise

Passage 2

For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is

the world’s greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest

itself to him: that of William Shakespeare. Every Englishman has

some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer.

All of us use words, phrases and quotations from Shakespeare’s

writings that have become part of the common property of the

English-speaking people. Most of the time we are probably unaware of

the source of the words we used, rather like the old lady who was

taken to see a performance of Hamlet and complained that it was full

of well- known proverbs and quotations.

Shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, makes full use of

the great resources of the English language. Most of us use about

five thousand words in our normal use of English; Shakespeare in his

works used about twenty-five thousand.

There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the

richness and variety of the English language than by studying the

various ways in which Shakespeare used it. Such a study is well

worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners)

even though some aspects of English usage, and the meaning of many

words, have changed since Shakespeare’s day.

16. English people .

A. have never discussed who is the world’s greatest dramatist

B. never discuss any issue concerning the world’s greatest dramatist

C. are sure who is the world’s greatest dramatist

D. do not care who is the world’s greatest dramatist

17. Every Englishman knows .

A. more or less about Shakespeare

B. Shakespeare, but only slightly

C. all Shakespeare’s writings

D. only the name of the greatest English writer

18. Which of the following is true?

A. We use all the words, phrases and quotations from

Shakespeare’s writings.

B. Shakespeare’s writings have become the property of those who are

learning to speak English.

C. It is likely to be true that people often do not know the origins

of the words they use.

D. All the words people use are taken from the writings of


19. What does the word “proverb ” mean?

A. Familiar sayings. B.

Shakespeare’s plays.

C. Complaints. D. Actors and


20. Why is it worthwhile to study the various ways in which

Shakespeare used English?

A. English words have changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time

B. By doing so one can be fully aware of the richness of the English


C. English words are now being used in the same way as in

Shakespeare’s time

D. Beginners may have difficulty learning some aspects of English


Passage 3

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide

him wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to

prevent drought (干旱) and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that

the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness

to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large


Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its

trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It

gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became bare and

poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced

by floods and starvation.

Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful

supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people

realize this. They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant

and look after new trees. So, unless the government has a good

system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly


This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results

are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break

the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in, and also bind the soil.

This prevents the soil from being washed away. But where there are

no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the

surface, and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich

topsoil in which crops grow. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing

remains but worthless desert.

21. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most important

of which is that they can .

A. keep him from the hot sunshine

B. enable him to build warships

C. make him draw quick profit from them

D. protect him from droughts and floods

22. It’s a great pity that .

A. man is only interested in building empires

B. man is eager to profit from trees

C. man hasn’t realized the importance of trees to him

D. man hasn’t found out that he has lost all trees

23. Sooner or later the forests wi

ll disappear .

A. unless a country has a plenty supply of trees

B. unless people stop cutting down their trees

C. unless all people are taught the importance of planting trees

D. unless the government punishes those who cut trees instead of

planting them

24. The word “bind” in Paragraph 5 means “ ”.

A. to wash away B. to

make wet

C. to make stay together D. to improve

25. When there is a heavy rain, trees can help to prevent floods, as

they can .

A. keep rain from falling down to soft ground

B. cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in

C. prevent the soil from being washed away

D. make the topsoil stick together

Part I I I 语法与词汇选择题

26. TOEFL is a test for students native language is not


A. that B. of whom C. whose

D. which

27. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without

which I of hunger.

A. would be died B. would die C. would have

died D. will die

28. This article deals with the natural phenomenon which most

interesting to everyone.

A. are B. is

C. they are D. it is

29. He studied hard in his youth, contributed to his great

success in later life.

A. that B. it C.

what D. which

30. The population of many Alaskan cities has doubled in the

past three years.

A. large than B. as great as C. more

than D. as many as

31. He’s determined to finish the job long it takes.

A. no matter B. however C. wherever

D. whatever

32. Hardly ever get a good job these days without a good


A. people might B. people can C. do people

D. have people

33. Nowhere else in the world more attractive scenery than in


A. you can find B. is found C. can you

find D. has been found

34. Children learn best by studying at their own .

A. rate B. speed C. pace

D. growth

35. The committee is due to its report by the end of this year.

A. release B. relieve C.

relate D. retain

36. She’s an only child, but they didn’t really her.

A. hurt B. damage C. spoil

D. harm

37. His parents him the opportunity to go to university.

A. ignored B. neglected C.

refused D. denied

38. all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided

to close it.

A. As for B. Besides C.

Except D. Despite

39. For a successful business, friendly and staff are


A. sufficient B. effective

C. efficient D. respective

40. To their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for

a month.

A. progress B. proceed C. promote

D. propose

Part IV. 完形填空

He has been proclaimed “the finest mind alive”, “the greatest genius

of the late 20th century”, and “Einstein’s heir(继承人)”. Known to

millions, 41 , for his book A Brief History of Time (《时间简史》),

Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one. His gift

42 revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that

non-scientists can enjoy 43 Hawking an instant celebrity(名人)and

his book a bestseller in both Britain and America. It has 44 in

the Guinness Book of Records for spending 184 weeks in The Sunday

Times “top-ten” lists, and has sold more than five million copies

worldwide---virtually unheard-of success for a science book.

How did all this happen? How has a man 45 is almost completely

paralyzed (瘫痪)and unable to speak 46 through a computer overcome

these 47 obstacles and achieved far more than most people ever

dream of?

Hawking says: “I soon realized that the rest of the world won’t want

to know you if you’re bitter or angry. You have to be 48 if

you’re to get much sympathy or help.” He goes on: “Nowadays, muscle

power is obsolete (无用). What we need 49 mind power---and disable

people are 50 good at that 50 anyone else.” (250words)

41. A. far and wide B. by far

C. far

and away D. so far

42. A. of B. to

C. for D. at

43. A. is made B. has been made C. was made

D. made

44. A. earned a place B. achieved a fame C. made a name

D. gained reputation

45. A. whose B. who C. where

D. which

46. A. besides B

. despite C. except

D. aside from

47. A. difficult B. incredible C.

very D. surprising

48. A. negative B. positive C.

sensitive D. aggressive

49. A. is B. is to C.

are D. are to

50. A. not so…as B. as…as C. the

same…as D. so…than

Test 2

1-5 CAAAB 6-10 BDCAC 11-15 CBBAD

16-20 CACAB

21-25 DCCCB 26-30 CCBDC 31-35 BCCAA

36-40 CDDCC

41-45 ACDAB 46-50 CBBAB


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