

A: 您好,欢迎参观我们的商品。

B: 您好,我来自美国一家进口公司。我觉得你们展出的东西不错,特别是这种童鞋。


A: 好的。我们厂生产的这种童鞋时尚大方,很符合现在市场的品味。所有的鞋子出厂



B: 听起来是不错,各种颜色和尺寸应该都齐的吧?

A: 当然了,这是肯定的。

B: 那么价格怎么样呢?如果价格合理的话,我们可能会大量进货。

A: 我们都知道,现在市场物价有不断上涨的趋势,因此我们的产品也随时有可能提价。



B: 噢,你们想得很周到。那如果您不介意的话,我想先看看这两份价目单,再来跟您


A: 当然没问题。希望能跟您再次见面。

DIALOGUE 2 (高口第三版P76,第四版P74)

A: 欢迎光临上海进出口商品交易会。我叫陈明。我是上海机械公司的销售部经理。 B: Hi, Mr. Chen. My name is Sean Hudson. I’m from Seattle, U.S.A. I’m in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd.

A: 很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生。请坐,我想向您介绍一下我公司及产品。

B: Thank you. I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture. I believe my customers will like you new products.

A: 您对我们产品感兴趣,我很高兴。 不过我们的宣传小册子仅仅介绍了我公司生产的一小部分机床。您可以进来看看我们的展品。

B: Sure. Your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable. If you don’t mind, I’d like to make an inquiry. Here’s the list of our interested machine tools. I’d like to hear your lowest quotations C.I.F. Seattle.

A: 谢谢您的询价,您单子上所列的机床我们都有。这是我方的美国太平洋沿岸城市到岸价的价目单,我们还可以根据您所想要的数目调整价格。

B: Well, Mr. Chen, your prices are not very competitive. My demand is bulk, but of course I’ll have to substantially reduce the quantity of my intended purchase with your offer.

A: 哈德逊先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。如果是您不安的只是我方的报价,那么您可以到其它展台去看一看,然后我们还可以再坐下


B: I sure will. Nice meeting you. I’ll call home about your quotations and come back tomorrow with our decision.

A: 好的。明天见。

B: Bye.

Tom: I'm glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to

conclude some substantial business with you.



Tom: I'm interested in your hardware. I have seen the exhibits and studied

your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in

Holland. Here is a list of my requirements, for which I'd like to have

your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney.


Tom: I'll do that. Meanwhile, would you give me an indication of price?


Tom: What about the commission: From European suppliers I usually get a

3 to 5 % commission for my imports. It's the general practice.


Tom: I see, but I do business on a commission basis. A commission on your

prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 %

would help.


A: I have here our price sheet on an FOB basis. The prices are given without engagement.

B: Good. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go over the sheet right now.

A: Take your time.

B: I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high.

A: I’m surprised to hear that. You know that the cost of production has been

skyrocketing in recent years.

B: We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. That’s reasonable,

isn’t it?

A: Well, to get the business done, we can consider making some

concessions in our price. But first, you’ll have to give me an idea of the

quantity you wish to order from us, so that we can adjust our prices


B: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices. Let’s settle that

matter first.

A: Well, as I’ve said, if your order is large enough, we’re ready to reduce our

prices by 3 percent.

B: When I say your prices are much too high, I don’t mean they are higher

merely by 3 or 4 percent.

A: How much do you mean then? Can you give me a rough idea?

B: To conclude this deal, I’d say a reduction of at least 15 percent would


A: Impossible. How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent? B: I think you are as well-informed as I am about the market for sewing

machines. It’s needless for me to point out that supply exceeds demand

at present and that this situation is likely to continue for a long time.

Why don’t you call your home office and see what they have to say? A: All right, I will.



Smith: I'll give you mine, too.


Smith: Not bad, but I'm a little tired.



Smith: Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?


Smith: Well, shall we get down to business?


Smith: Yes, we finished the evaluation of it. If the price is acceptable, we

would like to order now.


Smith: What's your best price for that item?


Smith: I think the price is a little high, can't you reduce it?



Smith: Well, I'll accept the price and place an initial order of 10,000 units.


Smith: The pleasure is ours. Can you deliver the goods by March 31?


DIALOGUE 6 (高口第三版P84,第四版P81)

A: 感谢您的询价。这是我方在原价的基础上削减了 3.5%以后的报价单。您一定会感到我们的报价在今天这个需求量上升的市场上最有竞争力。

B: To be frank with you, it is really difficult for us to market your products at the price offered. I‘ve been approached by other suppliers with much lower offers, yes, much lower, 5% -- 6%.

A: 那不可能,我们不可能出那样低的报价,那是荒唐的。

B: What do you have in your mind?

A: 您把我们的产品同他们的做过比较吗?不是一个档次的产品啊。再说,我们已经调过价了。

B: I agree your offer after this reduction is attractive but excuse my frankness, in any case it is by no means the most competitive one to the best of my knowledge. I did a lot of research lately and I’m sure you'll agree with me that a growing number of suppliers in other Southeast Asian countries have joined this market. I foresee a substantial drop in price next year.

A: 对您所说的大幅度降价,我不敢认同。您知道我们的产品是享誉全球的名牌产品,而且我们绝对保证质量。虽然我们的周边国家和地区或许会以较低的价格吸引客户,但是我们保证质量的做法,加上这次大幅度的价格下调,一定会在市场上取胜。实话对您说,我们的老客户,我相信也包括您在内,没有谁转到其他广商那儿去。相反,我们还接到许多新客户的订单。我们的报盘是合情合理的。

B: You're a real business negotiator, but if you hang on to the listed quotations, it's impossible for us to come to terms. I don't think your offer is in line with the current market. I do hope that you'll consider our counter-offer. After all, we've had a business relationship for almost ten years.

B: 好吧!为了庆祝我们 10年来在生意上的合作,也为了继续推进我们的商务关系,我乐意给您破例追加 1.5%的特别折扣。这已远远低于我方的最低价了,所以我再也不能接受还价了。我希望您理解我的处境,我可不想丢了自己的饭碗啊!

A: I really appreciate your concession, and I’d like to sign our papers today. B: 我很高兴我们能够圆满成交。剩下的事可简单的多了。我们可以在下午解决合同文本方面的事情。

A: Sure.



Mr. White: Yes, I have the authority to conclude the deal.



Mr. White: Great. We have been very impressed by your quality control--it's

excellent--and willing to make further contact with you.



Mr. White: I'm afraid we can't agree with you on that. Your price is higher

than that of your competitor.

Qiao:每个公司都是依据质量来评定价格,是吧?请你们再考虑一下我们的报价。 Mr. White: I'm sorry but I have to say I don't see any advantages in your

quotations. Maybe some discounts will do.



Mr. White: I see, thank you for your kindness. Considering the amount...

Let's say, 1,700 sets of a dozen?



Mr. White: Oh, that's interesting. If you offer a discount of 5%, we will take

2,500 dozen from you.



Mr. White: Good. Now we have settled price. What about the payment terms?

Letter of Credit will be much appreciated.


Mr. White: We insist that you pay by Letter of Credit, in fact, none of our

partners settle payment by remittance.



Mr. White: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that it is so late.


Mr. White: Yes, tomorrow morning, see you then.

DIALOGUE 8 (高口第三版P78,第四版P75)

A: Good afternoon, may I help you?

B: 我对贵公司经营的新品种颇感兴趣。我可以看看贵方汽车零部件C.I.F.价目表吗? A: Certainly. Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties. B: 您这样说我很高兴。我们打算长期从贵公司进口一些汽车零部件,当然这得看贵方的价格是否比他人优惠。坦率地讲,贵方单子上的价格毫无竞争力。我希望知道贵方的最新报价。

A: We have just updated our prices. But of course I don’t mean our offer is final. As usual, we’d like to quote the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part.

B: 但是从我对汽车零部件市场所掌握的信息来看,贵方的报盘没有吸引力。此外我还需要时间来树立对贵公司产品质量的信心。如果您不愿给我方一些合理折扣,我还是打算等一下,先到别处看看再说。

A: We guarantee the quality of our supplies. And we have free samples for your inspection. As for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%. This is our floor offer and you’ll have to excuse me, we’re not prepared for any counter-offer.

B: 我很欣赏您的直率。虽然贵方的底价与我方所希望得到的价格仍有距离,我还是愿意签合同。我与您有同感,我现在这样做是着眼于我们将来业务关系的发展。 A: But I’m not sure if you are happy with the terms in the contract.

B: 我研究过你们的合同。有几处还不是很明确,需要讲清楚。还有合同的格式问题。我们希望用我公司自己准备、自己打印的合同副本。您看行吗?

A: No problem. But everything in the contract should be bilingual, both in English and Chinese.

B: 是的,从品名、规格、数量、单价、总额、货运,全都以双语写明。还有,我们希望货品在6月底之前发出,我们不能接受货运的耽搁。

A: Of course.

B: 我们付的是到岸价,所以保险费由贵方负担。

A: Certainly. We go by the contract.

B: 好了,没问题了。

A: That’s wonderful. Let’s leave the technical details of the contract to our assistants. I’d like to invite you to a drink and celebrate the success of your first business transaction.

B: 不胜感激。我相信我们这次合作仅仅是个开端,今后合作的机会将更多。

Li: 你们的产品给人印象深刻, 包装也很精美。好的,我们现在谈一下运货。你们最早


Jack: It usually takes us three months to make delivery. Everything will be

ready by the middle of June.

Li: 太晚了。 T恤的销售旺季就要到了,有可能把运货日期提前到5月份前吗?不然,


Jack: I’m afraid we can’t promise delivery earlier than June. We sell our T

shirts to more than twenty countries in the world and dozens of orders have been placed ahead of you.

Li: 那有什么其它办法吗?

Jack: The best we could do is to ship your goods in June.

Li: 那你们可以把运货日期提前一个月吗?我们要货很急。

Jack: Oh, that’s hard to say. Let me call our production department. (After Telephone)

Jack: Good news. There are cancellations for mid-May delivery. It’s tight, so

we may not be able to get your full order today.

Li: 好的。那我们什么时候可以收到第一批货物呢?

Jack: The first lot will be delivered by mid-May and you will receive the

remainder by the end of May.

Li: 谢谢您的努力。你要保证我们的运货。杰克先生,你知道运货时间对我们很重要, 而


Jack: Mr. Li, you have my word, mid-May! In view of our longstanding

business relationship, I will urge the production department of our company to make an earlier delivery. We’ll do our best to advance the shipment, but you must open your L/C as soon as possible.

Li: 那谢谢你了。

Jack: But I would like to remind you that to expedite the shipment, we may

charge extra fees. Would that be acceptable for you?

Li: 附加费可以接受, 这批产品对我们而言很紧急, 贵方尽早发货即可.

Smith: Good morning, Mr. Chen. Thank you for your reception at such a

busy hour.

Chen: 早上好,史密斯先生。见着你非常高兴。我们之间交易往来已有5年多了,我


Smith: That’s right. It’s been entirely thanks to your full support. You made

it a point to abide by the contract and especially you were always prompt and equitable in settling claims. All these played an important part in prompting the sales between us.

Chen: 史密斯先生,我听出你话外有音。有什么请明讲。

Smith: Let me be more to the point. Very regretfully, there occurred

something unusual in this transaction of ours. Now, I am here, hoping to get the matter cleared up.

Chen: 好啊,我们一直努力在改善对客户的服务,特别是对你这样的老客户。

Smith: When your last shipment arrived at our port last week, we had them

weighed. The result proved that the goods were underweight.

Chen: 不会吧。

Smith: As compared with the total weight of 50 metric tons stipulated in the

contract, the actual landed weight was only 48.5 metric tons. The difference was 1.5 metric tons.

Chen: 那真是没法理解了。1.5公吨可不是个小数字,不可能在运输途中丢失呀。这


Smith: As the goods were sold on CIF terms, you must be held responsible

for the shortage.

Chen: 你有证明吗?

Smith: Undoubtedly. Here is a survey report issued by a well-known lab in

Singapore. It verifies the short weight of 1.5 metric tons. And then the report further testifies that the short weight is caused by improper packing. 15 bags were broken during the transportation and contents got irretrievably lost.

Chen: 史密斯先生,我们合作不是一年了。我完全相信你的话。考虑到我们之间的友


Smith: Thanks. Do I understand that the inspection fee is also included? Chen: 是的,包括检验费。

DIALOGUE 11 (Video Clip)

McNeil: Before we begin, are you sure that you are in a position to conduct

this negotiation?

Green: Yes, I have the authority to negotiate with you.

McNeil: Right. Let's get down to business.

Green: Which of our product lines are you particularly interested in Mr.


McNeil: I could be interested in these ones that I have outlined here. But I

want to hear what you say about discounts.

Green: Let's talk specifically about Big Boss.

McNeil: Let's be clear about one thing. I hope you realize that we must have

a much larger discount than what's on the table now.

Green: I think the discount problem can be resolved but you need to be

more precise about numbers.

McNeil: Fair enough. What kind of discount are you offering on 10,000


Green: On 10,000 units, Mr. McNeil, I can offer a discount of 30 %. But I

can't offer more.

McNeil: 30 %!

Green: Just let me finish, 30 %, but with a guarantee of delivery within two


McNeil: Delivery must be within two months or I' m not interested. I' m

offering you the chance to make a very large sale and you are turning it down because we're...

Green: Can I just come in here Mr. McNeil? I haven't turned anything down.

I haven't said

McNeil: But...

Green: Please let me finish. Now if you commit to buy 20,000 units then I

could consider a larger discount.

McNeil: How much larger?

Green: If you commit to 20,000 units then I can offer a 35 % discount.

McNeil: 30, 35 %. I' m getting tired of this. You are playing games. I am

looking for a large discount, and I hope that you're going to offer me one.

Green: If you want a big discount then you must make the order a big one.

Let's talk about unit price rather than discount. Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23.5.

McNeil: And I' m not interested in 23.5.

Green: Yes, I know that Mr. McNeil. If you buy 40,000 units, then I can offer

a unit price of 19.5. What will your mark-up be on the Boss, 3, 3.5, 4?

McNeil: About that.

Green: With those figures you're going to be very competitive.

McNeil: 19.5 unit price?

Green: If you buy 40,000 units; that represents a discount of...

McNeil: I can see what the discount is. Offer me a unit price of 19.5 on

25,000 units and we can do business.

Green: I can't do that. I' m sorry.

McNeil: Let's break for a few minutes. I've got a few things I have to see to.

I'll be a couple of minutes. Would you like a cup of coffee?

Green: Yes, please.

McNeil: Help yourself to the phone if you want to make a call.

Green: Thanks.

Don Bradley: Don Bradley.

Green: Hi, Don. How's the meeting?

Don Bradley: It's just finished. I'm on my way over. How's your meeting? Green: he's definitely interested. We're having a break.

Don Bradley: What's the situation?

Green: It's becoming difficult. We’re stuck on the size of the order for Big

Boss. He wants a unit price of 19.5 on an order of 25,000.

Don Bradley: That sounds good to me.

Green: I think we can push him further.

Don Bradley: Do you think so?

Green: I think so...I hope so.

Don Bradley: Be careful. He's a clever man. I've dealt with McNeil before.

When he starts banging on the table, that's as far as you can go with him. Good luck!

Green: Thanks. So let's clarify the position so far. As far as Big Boss is

concerned we have agreed on a unit price of 20 for 30,000, and I can' t go below that price for an order of this size. Now let's look at terms of payment.

McNeil: 90 days.

Green: I'm sorry Mr. McNeil, but that’s completely unacceptable. Our

standard policy on discounts of over 30 % is payment within 30 days of delivery.

McNeil: This is not a standard situation. I am making a very large order...

Green: Can I just come in here, Mr. McNeil? I know you're making a large

order but you are also getting an excellent product at a very large discount.

McNeil: I can't believe that this is your final offer.

Green: If you order 35,000 then I can authorize payment in 90 days.

McNeil: We have already decided on quantity. This is my last offer. 30,000 at

60 days payment. Take it or leave it.

Green: I think that offer will be acceptable. So all we have to do now is

finalize the delivery arrangements.

McNeil: Well, let's discuss the details tomorrow.

McNeil: Come in! Don, how are you?

Don Bradley: Hello, Danny, Edward. I' m sorry I' m late.

McNeil: You are late. I'd rather do business with you than this young man.

What have you been feeding him?

Don Bradley: Oh, we don't feed him. We like to keep our staff hungry.

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