

No Ether !

In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper that explained his special theory of relativity. It solved a problem about how people understood light.

At the time, scientists believed that light waves worked like waves in the ocean. Ocean waves travel through the water. They thought light waves had to travel through something, too. They called this substance ether. There was one problem. Two scientists did an experiment to measure the ether. They couldn’t find any.

Einstein’s paper started with the work of other scientists. He used their math to explain that light did not need to travel through anything. Light was different from ocean waves. Light always travels at the same speed. That speed is a very big number. Instead of always writing the number, Einstein just wrote c. Space-time

Einstein wasn’t done yet: Light was very different from ocean waves!

Imagine you are on a sailing ship, traveling alongside the waves. From your perspective on deck, the waves might appear to stop moving. You could even travel faster than the waves; then, the waves would appear to go backward!

Light works differently. Light always travels at c. Imagine you have a fast bicycle and your friend has a flashlight. Your friend shines the flashlight, and you pedal in the same direction. No matter how fast you go, the light will always shine ahead as if you were standing still.

Einstein said that the faster you go, the slower time goes and the shorter everything gets. The front of your bike will shrink back toward the end of your bike. The more you try to catch the light, the



當時的科學家們認為光波傳遞的方式跟海浪一樣,因為海浪透過海水傳遞,所以他們認為光波也必須藉由某種物質才能傳送,他們稱此物質為「乙太」。但問題來了,兩名科學家做實驗測量乙太,可是他們完全找不到乙太。 愛因斯坦的論文建立在其他科學家的研究上,他用他們的數學運算來解釋光線的傳送並不需要任何媒介,和海浪不同。光線永遠以相同的速度傳遞,而光速是個非常大的數字,愛因斯坦用「c 」代替每次要寫的那串數字。 時空



光線傳送的方式不一樣,光線永遠以c 的速度行進。想像自己有一輛可以騎很快的自行車,你的朋友手上拿著手電筒,打開手電筒照射前方,而你也朝

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