
is a summary cash flow statement of a country’s international

transactions with all other countries for some period of time, typically one year is an exchange rate quoted for settlement at some future date., most commonly for

1month ,3 month,6months,9 months and 1 year

The Capital/Financial Account of the balance of payments measures all

international economic transactions of real and financial assets is the structure within which foreign exchange rates are

determined, international trade and capital flows are accommodated, and the

balance-of-payments adjustments made.

are defined as banking markets which involve short-term borrowing and

lending conducted outside of the legal jurisdiction of the authorities of the currency that is used

is a type of exchange rate regime where a currency’s value is matched to

the value of another single currency ,to a basket of other currencies ,or to another measure of

value ,such as gold.

was born in 1944, established a fixed-rate, a US-dollar-based

international monetary system, created IMF and the World Bank. it collapsed in 1971 when the

United States abolished the convertibility of the US dollar into gold.

have a positive impact on trade balance, the sum of price elasticity of exports and imports (in absolute

value) must be greater than 1.

of time

rates between currencies are in equilibrium when their purchasing power is the same in each of the two countries.

This means that the exchange rate between two countries should equal the ratio of the two countries' price level of

a fixed basket of goods and services.

(1)ppp: assumptions: The same commodities appear in the same proportions in each country’s consumption


the Law of One Price is imposed between baskets of consumer goods in two countries e= P/P*

(2)RPPP:holds that the relative change in prices between two countries over a period of time determines the

change in the exchange rate over that period



1. 流量理论中的BP 曲线 K=K( I , I *) BP=CA+K=CA(q,Y) +K(i) =0

受资金流动性不同的影响,BP 曲线的形状有三种:1、资金完全流动时,BP曲线表现为水







利率平价说(Interest-Rate Parity ): IRP provides the linkage between the foreign exchange

markets and the money markets in different countries

(1)Covered Interest-rate parity: When the forward and spot market rates are not in equilibrium

according IRP, an opportunity for risk-free arbitrage exists ρ= I – I *

(2) uncovered Interest-rate parity: When investors believe expected future spot rates and current

spot rates are not in equilibrium according to the International Fisher Effect, an opportunity for

risky arbitrage exists E ρ= I –I* 开放与封闭经济条件下国民收入的区别:

Closing economy:1.Expenditure:Y≡ C+I+G =A 2 .Income:Y≡ C+Sp+T because expenditure equals to income, so: 3. C+I+G ≡ Y ≡ C+Sp+T

Opening economy:Y=C+I+G+X-M






Freely Convertible Currency: Macro economy ;Entrepreneur; Sensible economic

composition ( BOP is included)

Foreign exchange regime,Capital flight 、Currency substitution






Direct control policy: Price 、Financial market 、International transaction 、Foreign




A statement , which systematically records the receipt and expenditure in all sorts of the

international economical operations of a country in course of time

(1)Current account:Goods trade、Services trade、Income 、Current transfers

(2)Capital and financial account : Acquisition/disposal of

nonproduced/nonfinancial assets 、Transfer of fixed and financial assets Direct Investment 、Portfolio Investment、 Other Investment(3)Errors and omissions account

债务危机: 债务危机原因:1、国际金融市场上利率的变化2、外在冲击进一步恶化发展中国家的国际收支状况3、发展中国家未能合理利用所借资金来促进进出口的快速增长4、商业银行没有采取能有效控制风险的措施



广义的货币危机泛指汇率的变动幅度超出了一国可承受的范围这一现象。 其他汇率制度:(1)爬行钉住制:汇率可以做经常的、小幅度的调整的固定汇率制(比目标区制幅度小,钉住制调整偶然且幅度大)







优点:稳定币值,降低交易费用;有利于金融的稳定,而市场汇率围绕联系汇率窄幅波动的运行有助于国际金融中心地位的巩固和加强、增强市场信心 缺点:使经济行为过分依赖和受制于美国,从而严重削弱了运用利率和货币供应量杠杆调节本地区经济的能力;使通过汇率调节国际收支的功能无从发挥;高通胀与实际负利率并存



狭义国际储备是指一国官方所拥有的可随时用于弥补国际收支赤字、维持本国货币汇率的国际间可接受的一切资产。作为储备资产必须同时具备可得性,流动性和普遍接受性三个特征。一国所拥有的国际储备主要包括黄金储备,外汇储备,特别提款权和在 IMF 中的储备头寸 广义国际储备不但包括一国所拥有的狭义国际储备还包括借入储备



指以一定单位的本币为基准来计算应收多少外币,在间接标价法下,汇率越高,表示单位本币所能兑换的外国货币越多,本币升值而外币贬值;反之则反是。 丁伯根原则:政策工具的数量或控制变量数至少要等于目标变量的数量;而且这些政策工具必须是相互独立(线性无关)的。



prices of US goods rise 8 percent and prices of UK goods rise by 4 percent by the end of the year. According to RPPP, what should be the exchange rate at the end of the year?

S t +1=S t (1+π£) (1+π$)

=0. 667(1. 04) /(1. 08)

=0. 642?$


annum, and a 90-day Eurodollar deposit rate of 8% per annum, find the 90-day forward rate. F (1+0. 04⨯90/360) /(1+0. 08⨯90/360) =SF 1. 4655/$90-days =1. 48 the forward premium is:

1. 48-1. 4655360f =⨯=3. 96%1. 465590 4% per annum. Further, suppose the spot rate is ¥106.00/$ and the 180-day forward rate is ¥103.50/$. Does an arbitrage opportunity exist? If you can borrow $1MM, what strategy could you implement to realize an arbitrage profit?

? (1+0. 04⨯180/360) ⎛¥180⎫103. 5=106. 001+ i ⨯⎪? (1+0. 08⨯180/360) 360F =S 180NO ! ⎛$180⎫1+i ⨯ ⎪103. 5=103. 9615 360⎭⎝At 10 am. on one business day, the exchange rate between US dollar and DM is stated

$1=DM1.5100 in New York, simultaneously the exchange rate between Pound and DM is stated £1 =DM3.0000 in Frankfurt, while the exchange rate between Pound and US dollar is stated £1 =$2.8000 in London.Questions:How to arbitrage?


The one-year periodic interest rate of US dollar in U.S is 12%, while the one-year periodic interest rate of UK pound in U.S is 16%. £1=$2.0000, $1,000,000

Questions:-If the exchange rate between US dollar and UK pound is fixed, how to invest? -If the exchange rate between US dollar and UK pound is floating, how to invest? 以1:2汇率兑换英镑,以16%利率存入英镑,同时以远期汇率X 卖出美元期货

(1000000*0.5*(1+16%))/X=1000000*(1+12%) X=29/56

当X>29/56存英镑 当X


人民币升值的积极影响:1. 有利于中国经济的结构调整和均衡发展。2. 减轻进口能源和原料的成本负担。3. 有利于减缓通货膨涨的压力。4. 有利于缓解国际收支不平衡的现状,减少贸易磨擦。5. 有利于增加我国的资金融通数量。6、减轻我国偿还外债的压力 不利影响:

1、人民币升值过快和过猛, 容易导致出口增长速度大幅回落,影响国民经济平稳增长。

2. 人民币升值将影响在华的外来投资。人民币汇率的提高增加了外来投资的成本,加大了外资进入的阻力,从而降低了中国从外商直接投资中得到的增加就业、提高生产率、引进先进技术的好处。

3. 加大国内就业压力。我国出口产品的大部分是劳动密集型产品,出口受阻必然会导致失业,并加大就业压力;外资企业则是提供新增就业岗位最多的部门之一,外资增长


4. 使我国外汇净资产的收益受损。人民币升值将加大美元贬值幅度,从而引起我国外汇储备的严重缩水。

5. 影响金融市场的稳定。在我国金融监管体系有待进一步健全、金融市场发展相对滞后的情况下,大量短期资本通过各种渠道,流入资本市场的逐利行为、易引发货币和金融危机,将对我国经济持续健康发展造成不利影响。 展望:人民币升值是大势所趋,它对我国的经济和政治环境的积极作用与不利影响必将同时存在,目前也无法判断谁是谁非。人民币是否应该采取升值举措,根本上取决于国内经济发展的需要、进出口结构状况以及对国际市场商品、货币供求关系的综合判断。我们可以从以下几个方面来调控,尽可能降低损失,适应当前形势:

1. 适时调整我们的贸易战略,减少经济增长对外需的依赖程度。要通过平抑物价、缩小贫富差距等方式拉动内需,为经济增长提供持久动力。

2. 出口企业应该努力增加产品的附加值,逐步改变原来低劳动力成本、低价格进入国际市场的做法,充分运用科技的力量,提升“中国制造”的竞争力。同时应当增强风险意识,迅速、高效地应对可能出现的危机。

3. 深入研究未来世界主要货币的变动趋势,根据我们进口规模,适时调整中国的外汇储备币种结构和总量规模,使我国的外汇更具有弹性。淡化市场对美元兑人民币汇率的关注程度,稳定我国对美元区、欧元区和日元区的贸易条件。

4. 适当控制储备规模的过度增长,建立和完善风险管理框架,管理、利用好外汇储备。合理利用我国充足的外汇储备,购买国际先进设备和技术,提高企业出口竞争力。

5. 在区域经济一体化趋势下,积极推动区域货币的一体化,尤其要加强与东亚各国的金融合作,不断将我国货币的坚挺作用体现出来,使人民币在东亚地区自由流通并最终建立与我国经济大国地位相应的强势货币体系。6. 大力发展多元化的金融市场,增加投资、融资渠道,预防大量“热钱”流入,创造稳定、健康的金融体系。

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