


The heavy rains and floods (暴雨洪灾) have ravaged (devastate, 破坏)10 southern Chinese regions, leaving 211 dead and 119 missing as of 4pm yesterday, a Ministry of Civil Affairs (民政部) statement said.

Swollen river(不断上涨的洪水)adds to Jiangxi flooding woes(不幸、灾难)

The floods have caused direct economic losses(直接经济损失) of around 43.3 billion yuan (US$6.4 billion), as rivers broke their banks (决堤), landslides (山崩/滑坡) severed road and rail links and houses collapsed.

Rain and Flood 暴雨洪灾

to burst their banks/breaching of the dyke 决堤/溃堤

floods/floodwater/inundation 洪水

freshet 河水猛涨/涨水

water levels 水位

Rescue workers/ rescuers救援人员

watercourses 河道/水道

the flood level 洪水水位

warning level 警戒水位

historic highs 历史最高点

torrential downpours/rains 暴雨/倾盆大雨

muddy 泥泞的

frequent showers 经常性的阵雨

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

persistent rain 持续降雨

heavy rain 大雨

rainfall 降雨

downpour 暴雨

storm/tempest/rainstorms 暴风雨 thundershower 雷阵雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 flash floods 山洪暴发 water discharge 水流量/排水 water reservoirs 水库 water volume 水量 Relief 救灾 Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部 disaster areas 受灾地区 evacuate 疏散 rescue boats 救生艇 stranded residents 受困居民 temporary tents 临时帐篷 settlements 临时居住点 plug the breach 封堵决堤口 inundate farmland 淹没农田 worst hit 最严重受灾地区 low-lying areas 低洼地区 landslides 山崩/滑坡 emergency alert level 紧急警戒级别 emergency materials 紧急援助物资 inflatable boats 充气艇 rubber boats 橡皮艇

fuel barrels 燃料桶

life vests 救生衣

warning mark 警戒标志


来源:点击进入来源网站 发布日期:2010-06-09 作者:杨洋


6月1日,墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件进入第43天,对这条漫长海岸线上的居民而言,这一天意味着“黑色夏日”的开始。由于英国石油公司(BP )封堵断裂油管的多次尝试宣告失败,8月份减压井工程完工前,漏油恐难得到遏制。一幕现实版的生态灾难片才刚刚拉开序幕。美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德也于当天宣布,联邦政府已对墨西哥湾漏油事件展开刑事和民事调查。


oil spill/leak 漏油

Deepwater Horizon oil rig 深海地平线钻井平台

last-ditch effort 最后的努力

top kill 灭顶法(通过泵将大量高密度液体注入输油管,抑制原油上涌,再用水泥封死漏油点。)

containment valve 防漏阀

leak-proof cover 防漏罩

criminal probe 刑事调查

civil investigation 民事调查

gusher 喷油井

relief well 减压井

bore hole 钻孔

siphon 虹吸

leaking pipe 漏油管道

blowout preventer 封井器/防喷器

water samples 水样

tar balls 焦油球

trial-and-error process 试错过程/反复试验

undersea robots 海底机器人

robot submarines 机器人潜水艇

ultra deep-water area 超深水区

shallow water areas 浅水区

environmental disaster 环境灾难

global crude prices 国际原油价格

toxic effects of oil 石油的毒性作用

filter feeders 滤食动物

spill zone 漏油区

dead zone 死亡区

water break 水膜残迹

tanker 油轮

oil well 油井

crude oil 原油

diesel oil 柴油

gasoline/petrol 汽油

offshore drilling 海底钻探

drilling platform/oil rig 钻井平台

deepwater oil exploration 海洋石油勘探

heavy oil 重油

light oil 轻油

foamy oil 泡沫油

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