
> 听懂新闻英语的十大方法



> (一)尽量先以自己熟悉的语言了解新闻内容



> 刚到 ICRT 国内新闻中心上班的外籍记者,虽然多半中文程度并不差,但是有时候 「新

> 闻中文」并不强,在翻译或阅读一些中文的新闻稿时,虽然可以查单字,但要完全了 解

> 整体的意思,往往有些困难。发生这样的状况,我会建议他们先去看英文报纸的同样 一

> 则新闻,透过自己的母语,了解其中的来龙去脉,再回来看中文稿时,本来以为很复 杂

> 的内容,就变得简单多了。


> 同样的,在进行当天的英文新闻学习前,先从中文的媒体了解当天主要的国际或国内 新

> 闻内容,在听英文新闻时,就容易多了。当然,这是在学习期间,过了入门的阶段, 就

> 不需要了。


> (二)掌握各类新闻英语的有限单字


> 世界之广,事件之多,大部分的人一定认为,要掌握新闻英语的相关单字,恐怕好几 千

> 个,要背完一整本的新闻字库,才有办法听懂。这个想法似乎很合逻辑,但是其实有 个

> 极大的错误,从政治新闻到娱乐新闻,当然很可能有几千个单字,但是相关的单字每 几

> 个月,甚至每几年才出现一次,就是所谓的rarely used vocabulary(罕见单字), 例

> 如:「multilateral currency realignment」(跨国货币调整)或「planned > obsolescence」(计画的陈废),如果连这些也要背,那可真是不得了。 >

> 幸好,每天新闻会遇到的单字,八成五以上,都是我们称为的commonly used > vocabulary (常用单字)。换言之,只要你能掌握这五、六百个重复出现的单字 (也

> 就是本书所介绍的字汇),就可以听懂八成五以上的新闻。其它一些较专门的财经或 科

> 学等新闻字汇,等主要的单字会了之后,再慢慢的增加难度。


> (三)遇到听不懂的地方不要去想它,继续听下去


> 你一定有个经验,在听英语新闻或英语节目时,遇到一个你不会的字或没听清楚的段 落

> ,就开始想它的意思,往往造成接下来的内容全都没听清楚。所谓「一心不能二 用」,

> 绝不可以在听的同时,边想前一句的意思,要养成一个习惯,那就是遇到不太懂的地 方

> 不要停下来思考,专心听下去。


> 某个段落没听懂,可能的原因有几个,也许有个没学过的单字,或有较特殊的句型, 也

> 许主播播报的速度一时加快,甚至自己分心没听好。无论原因是什幺,不管它就继续 听

> 下去,还是有可能将主要内容听懂,因为九成的时候,漏掉一点,不会是关键到让你 无

> 法连接下面的意思,但是如果思惟卡在前一句,肯定全军覆没。


> 但如果另外那一成确实是关键呢?要是有空,可以上网找相关内容的新闻,了解一下 是

> 否有关键单字或内容较不熟悉,如果是重要新闻,一般来讲不会报一次就不报了,可 以

> 收听当天其它整点新闻的播报,也许还可以听到同样的新闻,也许听第二次就完全了 解

> 了!


> (四)不要太在乎特殊难懂的人名及地名


> 2000 年初夏,裴济发生政变,没多久就宣布戒严令,军方的领导人,头衔连姓名叫 「

> Fiji military commander Commodore Frank Bainimarama」,每次我播报新闻,念 到

> 这里时,都差点要吃螺丝。想一想,连我都要花时间先练习这些较难念的名字,而听 众

> 听我播报,三秒就过去了,难怪有人对这些外国人名及地名叫苦连天。


> 遇到这样的状况时,该怎幺办呢?别理它吧!说实话,我自己听 BBC 或 CNN 的新 闻,

> 也常常听到不太熟悉的人名或地名,如某国家的人,也许我没听过,很可能听完新闻 你

> 再问我,我也答不出来他的名字,但是多半时候对了解新闻内容并不影响,我只要知 道

> 他是某国的国会领导人就够了。再如俄罗斯南部某个难念的小城镇发生什幺事,清楚 它

> 他是俄罗斯南部的小城镇,足够我了解新闻内容。你也可以试试这种方法,不要为复 杂

> 的名称所困扰。当然,重要的新闻人物及地名还是得熟悉一下。


> (五)以正确的播报速度来学习


> 我刚来台湾时,常常有人找我为一些英文教材配音。进录音室时,我坐在麦克风前,

> 了稿子开始念,没念几句,负责人请我是否可以念慢些,于是我从头开始,放慢了速 度

> ,念了几句,他又问我可不可以再慢些。等到教材出版后,我听了卡带,自认为不但 听

> 起来怪怪的,对学会也没有帮助,因为人正常说话根本不是这样的。


> 经常有本地朋友抱怨,我在 ICRT 播报新闻的速度,快得让他们听不太懂,我只能 说,

> 这是播报新闻正常的速度,即使 ICRT 播的慢些,等到你要听 BBC 或 CNN ,还是会 听

> 不懂。那该怎幺办呢?我来台湾时,基本的中文会话不成问题,时间久了,报纸也能 读

> 看,但是打开中广或三台的新闻,还是觉得「雾煞煞」,于是我将中文新闻录音下 来,

> 重复的听,如果不会的单字,请朋友帮忙听一下,听到上百遍,直到完全听懂为止。 因

> 为我自己这样的练习,现在听中文新闻,一个字都不会漏掉。


> 有了手上的这套教材,你不用自己录音,更不需要麻烦别人帮忙听,但是你会发现, 专

> 业的播音员录制在 CD 片上的新闻都是以正常的速度播报,因为这样才能真正的学会 新

> 闻英语,如果听不太懂,多听几次,一定大有进展。但是,如果用一些速度放慢的教 材

> ,那只能永远听教材,真正新闻的速度会跟不上。


> (六)尽快锁定大略的新闻内容


> 不知你是否注意过,听英语新闻时,主播经常会在报某条新闻前,来句类似「And now

> in sports...」(现在进入体育新闻),或「Turning to the Middle East ...」 (转

> 向中东地区...)或「In U.S. election race news...」(有关美国选举新闻...) 等

> ,没有一定格式或说法,这样短短的一句,就是要让不同类型新闻的转变自然些。 >

> 播报某条新闻前,来个这样的「自我介绍」,对学习新闻英语是很有帮助的。怎幺说 呢

> ?我举个简单的例子,到目前为止,我听得懂的台语还是有限,如果随便跟我说几 句,

> 我很可能听不懂,但是若有人先让我知道他准备跟我聊的话题,接下来对我就容易的 多

> 了。这个情形跟新闻前给你一个小提示一样,知道即将要接收哪一类的讯息,可以先 准

> 备一下自己的思惟。


> 当然,不是每条新闻前都会给你这样的提示,要是没有,自己也得赶快锁定内容及方 向

> ,如果看电视新闻的话,可以试着从画面了解是哪一类的新闻;若是广播的话,也应 该

> 从第一句就可以判断。


> (七)经常听,经常练习


> 或许你会认为这幺简单的道理不用说也知道,但是你会发现,最简单的道理也是最重 要

> 的。


> 我记得刚来台湾不久,中文尚未十分流利,只要回美国几个星期,回台湾之后,讲起 中

> 文来,舌头便不听使唤,结结巴巴的。后来,我与美国史丹福大学的一个东方语言学 教

> 授聊起来,他说,其实只要每天花点时间接触它,就可以完全避免这样的状况。 >

> 《新闻英语8周打通关》的课程可以让你在最短的时间内听懂大部分重要的新闻内 容,

> 但是八周后还是要每天或每两天找点时间打开收音机或电视听听英语新闻,维持「基 本

> 工夫」。


> (八)虽然要「听」新闻,正确的「说」也很重要


> 本书的目的,是让你打好收听新闻英语的基础,做个一流的「听众」,但听力再怎幺 好

> 的中国人,不会自己想做英语主播,所以为什幺要管发音呢?其实,这个道理是很简 单

> ,如果自己对某一个新闻单字的发音不对,很可能会听不懂,例如唱片或记录叫「 > record」,录音也叫「record」,但是前者念﹝re'cord﹞,后者念﹝'record﹞,如 果

> 认为这个字只有一个发音,很可能就会弄混。


> 有时候也很容易将两个不同单字的发音弄混,例如:「Philadelphia battered

> Chicago, winning 14 to 1.」(费城击败芝加哥,以 14 比 1 赢球。)如果这句的 「

> battered」听成「batted」,虽然发音接近,但意思就不对了。


> 避免这方面问题最好的方法,就是听本书所附的 CD 时,单字的部分自己也跟着念。 如

> 果花一点时间确定自己的发音是否正确,对听懂新闻英语也会有帮助。


> (九)了解学习新闻英语的过程及进步的速度


> 学习任何东西,尤其是语言,就像滚雪球一样,愈滚愈大,到了某个阶段,学习的速

> 会自然而然的加快。学习新闻英语的起步阶段,也许经常觉得听不懂,但是继续努 力,

> 不知不觉会发现,费的精神较少,但听得懂的部分变多了。


> 为何了解这个过程是诀窍之一呢?因为很多人还不到「半途」就以为自己学不会,但 是

> 其实只要有恒心,绝对可以有令人非常满意的成果。


> (十)对自己有信心


> 一定有人说,讲这个谁都知道,但不少人对自己却是没有信心或信心缺乏,而对自己 学

> 习的进度及成果大打折扣。英文有句话:「We are our own worst enemy.」(最大 的

> 敌人,便是自己),虽然学新闻英语一点都不难,但如果心里想:「我一定学不 会。」

> 还没有开始奋战,已经被自己打败了,要突破自己设下的心里障碍,比实际学习的障 碍

> 还更困难。


> 我记得在美国刚开始学中文时,有一天在纽约唐人街的书店拿起一本厚厚的中文小 说,

> 书名三个字我只认得第一个字──「红」,翻开看看,里面只认得几个零星的字。当 时

> 我心里想,真的会有一天我能看得懂这个吗?对外国人而言,要认得汉字可是一件极 为

> 艰难的事,不过我当时告诉自己,我一定要学会,绝不轻易「罢休」。


> 当时我在唐人街手握着的书,书名的另外两个字是「楼梦」,至今《红楼梦》我看过 三

> 遍。如果当时我想:「 啊!这个太难了,学一百年都学不会。」我现在认得的中 文,

> 可能还是那零星的几个字。所以在强烈的学习欲望及好方法之外,也要对自己有信 心,

> 英文有另外一句话,就是「What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.」(心 想

> 事成),加油


> 李阳·克立兹听力突破掌上宝之听力突破超级技巧 下载(右键另存为) >



> 如何在听不懂的情况下


> 照样选对答案


> (中英文对照)


> ——学一点“害人”的、只对考试有用的技巧

> ——三大实用技巧,抓住听力考试题的致命弱点,在紧张的听力考场上运筹帷幄、稳 操

> 胜券!

> 这里所谈的技巧以托福考试为样本,它是英语考试的典范,国内的高考、四级、六级 等

> 考试都在逐渐向它*拢。

> 以下比较难的部分采取中英文对照形式,其余的只给出英文,所有资料都适合进行三 最

> 口腔肌肉训练。编写忱个部分的一个疯狂目的是要求大家能够用英文来告诉别人如何 对

> 付听力考试!这是李阳·克立兹的一贯信念:一步登天!

> 首先让我们来熟悉标准听力考试的结构:

> [1] The Listening comprehension section of the TOEFL contains fifty > questions. There are three sections to this part of the test.

> [2] Part A: in this section you hear a short statement and you are > asked to select the answer closest in meaning to what you heard. There are > twenty questions in Part A.

> [3] Part B: In this section you hear a short dialogue between two > speakers. A third speaker will then ask you a question about what was said.

> There are fifteen questions in Part B.

> [4] Part C: In this section you hear three longer talks. Either a > conversation between two people or a lecture given by one person. Each talk

> is followed by four to six questions, for which you are asked to select the

> best answer. There are fifteen questions in art C.

> [5] Total time for the section is about thirty minutes. There are > fifty questions total on this section.

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌内训练记录为:35秒]

> 在进行听力考试的时候,你要面对巨大的时间压力!因为:

> You can't take any extra time for hard questions! (对于难的问题,你没有多 余

> 的时间!)

> 无论听懂还是听不懂,难还是简单,你都 只有同样的时间!只有一次机会!很多人 由

> 于心理素质差和缺 乏技巧而在听力考 试中一败涂地!所 以听力考 试就象一场 竞 争

> 激 烈的体育运动!有人把它比作打网球:

> [1] Even if you've never played tennis, you've probably at some point

> in your life seen it played. Your goal for this section is to learn to play

> the game of Listening comprehension. Understanding what is on the tape is

> only one small part o the game. First of all, you need to learn to pace[为…

> 定步调;掌握速度] yourself. Think for a moment about what makes a good > tennis player

> [2] Bad tennis players spend a lot of time watching the ball and > running to try to catch up to it.

> [3] Good tennis players spend a lot of time watching their opponents > to anticipate [预料] where the ball will go so that they can be there first

> and be ready to hit it back.

> [4] Most people take the Listening Comprehension section the way bad > tennis players play tennis——always running a little bit behind. To do > well on this section, you need to stay one step ahead of your opponent—— > you need to stay ahead of the questions.

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌内训练记录为:35秒]

> 翻译的最高境界:中国人说中国话

> (即使你从来没有打过网球,但你要能看过别人打。你现在要做的就是学会玩听力考 试

> 的游戏。听懂只是这个游戏的一小部分。首先,你需要学习如何控制自己的步调。现 在

> 让我们来看看一个好的网球运动员是如何做的。

> 普通的网球运动者把大部分时间用在盯着别人的球, 然后再仓促地跑过去接球,完 全

> 处于被动地位;而网球高手则是盯着对手,并预料球的方向以便先发制人。

> 大多数参加听力考试的人表现得就象那个普通的网球运动者,总是慢 一步。所以要 想

> 做好听力考试,你必须比对手先行一步,你必须走在问题的前面。

> 下面我们来谈一谈技巧。李阳·克立兹听力训练的硬功夫要求是:像母语那样去听懂 !

> 这里所谈的技巧主要是帮助那些听力很差的人对付考试、蒙混过关,当然对具有英语 真

> 功夫的朋友,这些技巧 也会帮助他们更加稳操胜券!

> 技巧一: Reading ahead提前阅读

> You have about twelve seconds to answer each of the questions in Parts A > and B, no matter how hard or easy each question may seem. The best use of > these twelve seconds is to use them to get a sense of [进行大致了解] the > upcoming [即将到来的] question. To do this:

> Read the answer choices before you hear each question.

> (在听每个问题之前,先抓紧时间阅读四个选择答案。)

> When you take the test, you will hear the voice on the tape reading the > directions for Part A. You will not be able to see the question for Part A > until the directions have been read. However, you should turn the page the > instant [一…就] you hear the end of the directions, which sounds something

> like this:

> Sentence (B)

> As you are turning the page you will hear

> Go on to the next page. Now let us begin Part A with question number one. > But by then you should already be reading the answer choices to question 1 > in order to get ready to listen. Then, as soon as you hear

> Question number one…

> Followed by whatever that question may be, choose your answer and mark it > as quickly as possible. Now you can use the rest of the twelve seconds to > read the answer choices for qwuestion2, and so on

> (听到第一个问题后,就迅速选择答案,然后以最快的速度标记答案。这时你就可以 用

> 剩余的/节省出来的十二秒钟去阅读下一个问题的选择答案。)

> The key to this method is discipline [纪律]. You'll find you tend to want > to linger [逗留;耽搁] on each of the questions until you hear the

> beginning of the next one. DON'T DO IT! That's how you can end up [以…结 束

> ] missing two or three questions in a row; if you don't know the answer, > GUESS an move on!

> (这个方法的关键是纪律。你可能会犹豫不定,在每个问题上耽搁久,直至你听到下 一

> 个问题开始。千万不要这么做!否则你可能会连续错过两、三个问题,如果你不知道 答

> 案,只管猜,然后就继续前进。)

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:60秒]

> 提前阅读技巧四步骤总结

> [请用英文讲给别人听]

> ² When you hear the end of the instructions begin reading the > answer choices for question 1.

> ² As soon as you hear the question, guess.

> ² Use the rest of the twelve seconds to read the answer choices

> for the next question.

> ² Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the end of Part A.

> 技巧二: Guess the Topic猜测话题

> Staying ahead of the questions helps you overcome the problems caused by > the time pressure on this section. Any time you don't see the correct > answer, just guess and keep moving. Now that you're keeping up with the > ball in this game, that is , staying ahead of the questions, you can begin > to practice the second skill you need to win — anticipating [预料] what > you opponent will do. It's time to tackle [处理;应付] the second major > difficulty of this section.

> (走在问题的前面帮助你克服了由于时间紧张而引起的问题。如果你一下找不到正确 的

> 答案,就只管进行猜测,然后继续做下面的题目。既然你已经能够跟得上这场听力游 戏

> 中“球”的速度,那么你就可以开始操练第二个技巧——预料你对手的举动。现在是 你

> 对付第二个主要难题的时候了。)

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:15秒]

> 1.No context没有上下文/没有前后关联

> In face-to-face conversation there are a lot of things that you rely on to > help you understand what the other person is saying — facial expressions, > hand gestures, and what you know about the person or the topic all give > additional meaning to the words used. Furthermore if this person uses some > words or expressions that you 're not familiar with, you can use the > context of the rest of the conversation to help you figure out what they > mean.

> (在面对面的谈话中,你可以依*很多东西来帮助你理解对方的话——面部表情、手势 和

> 你所了解的对方的情况和话题,这些都给你额外的含义。另外,如果对方用了你不熟 悉

> 的单词和表达法,你可以借助其余对话的线索来理解它们的含义。)

> All of these cues [线索;提示] are gone on Parts A and B of the Listening > comprehension section. Aside from time, the largest hurdle to get over in > order to do well on this section is that lack of context. For the questions

> on Parts A and B the information presented is isolated [孤立的]. The > question you're waiting to hear on the tape could be about anything. You > can't see the person speaking, so it's much harder to figure out their > emotional state or opinion.

> (在听力第一和第二部分,这些线索通通消失。除了时间的因素,这个部分的最大障 碍

> 就是缺乏上下文,所有的信息都是孤立的。你准备听到的可能是任何东西。你看不到 那

> 个人在说话,所以理解他们的感情状态和想法非常困难。)

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:30秒]

> 2.Guess the topic猜测话题

> You're reading ahead, you've heard the end of the instructions for Part A, > and you begin to read the answer choices for question 1. Let's say the > choices are:

> 1. (A) I never heard the lecture.

> (B) That kind of lecture never fascinates me.

> (C) That lecture was the most fascinating I've heard.

> (D) I would have preferred a different lecture.

> What are most of the answer choices about? A lecture. So the stem will have

> to be about the same thing. Now you have a context. You know it will have > something to do with a lecture. Your task is to find out more information > about it.

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:23秒]

> 技巧三: Three Ways to Find the Right Answer

> 三个找到正确答案的方法

> Reading ahead helps you keep up. Guessing the topic supplies you with a > context and helps you listen actively. These three techniques help you > narrow down [缩小;限制范围] your choices whether or not you have actually

> understood what is spoken on the tape .

> [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:8秒]

> 1. OPPOSITES相反的选择

> One of ETS's [美国教育考试机构] favorite kind of wrong answers is one that > traps people who almost understood the stem. It looks pretty similar to the

> correct answer, but means the opposite.

> For example:

> (A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.

> (B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.

> (C) Some days Mary's work is awful.

> (D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.

> In the example above, (A) and (B) are what we call opposites, that is, both

> statements could not be true. Of a typical Listening comprehension section,

> one third to one half of the questions contain opposites. This is good news

> for you because:

> If there is one pair of opposites in the answer choices, one of them is the

> right answer!

> (如果在四个选择答案中有两个对立/相反的句子,那么其中一个就是正确答案。) > Even if you never hear the question, you now have a 50 percent chance of > answering this question correctly. Furthermore a pair of opposites in the > answer choices tells you exactly what the stem will be about. You only have

> to listen to hear confirmation [确认;证实] of one or the other of the two > opposites.

> Find the opposites in the example below:

> 1. (A) Stone does not enjoy clothes shopping.

> (B) Stone ate while he tried on the clothes.

> (C) Buying clothing is a pleasure for Stone.

> (D) Not one piece of clothing was available in his size.

> In this example, the opposites are (A), which say that stone doesn't like > to buy clothes, and (C), which says that he does. Now when you hear the > stem, you only need to find out which one is true. The stem is:

> If there's one thing Stone hates, It's buying clothes.

> So the correct answer is (A).

> Now try this one. First, reading the answer choices and find the opposites.


> 2. (A) I think your desk is far too tiny.

> (B) Your desk is too messy.

> (C) I think you need a new desk.

> (D) I cleaned up your desk.

> The opposites are (B) and (D). If you didn't recognize them, you need to


> a little more broad in your understanding of the term. (B) implies that the

> desk is messy, and (D) implies that the desk is clean. That's enough for > them to be considered opposites. So now all you need to do is decide if the

> desk is clean or messy. When you hear the stem.

> My, your desk could sure use some tidying up!

> You know the answer is (B).


> The people who write the TOEFL have very conservative tastes. None of their

> statements or dialogues will contain anything controversial, violent, > passionate, or silly.

> (编写托福考试的人比较保守,他们的句子和对话都不会包含有争议的、激烈的、热 烈

> 的和愚蠢的东西。)

> Remember, you can use common sense to eliminate three types of wrong answers

> :

> Type 1: Answer choices that are too extreme [极端].

> (A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.

> (B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.

> (C) Some days Mary's work is awful.

> (D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.

> Answer (C) is too extreme to be a good bet. ETS would probably say

> someone's work was

> Type 2: Answer choices that have wrong subject, for example:

> (A) He is a good football player.

> (B) He doesn't understand football at all.

> (C) He lives right across that field.

> (D) Playing football indoors is forbidden.

> Since most of the answer choices are about football, you know that


> He sure seems right at home on the football field.

> The closest in meaning is answer (A). By the way, did you notice that (A) > and (B) were opposites?

> Type 3: Answer choices that are just plain silly [明显的愚蠢], for example:


> (A) Rob is too tall to be an actor.

> (B) Rob's performance was excellent.

> (C) He didn't see Rob on stage.

> (D) Rob was suspended above the stage.

> Answer (A) is just silly. How can someone be too tall to be an actor? > Answer choice (D) is weird [奇怪的] too. Now here's the stem.

> W: How was Rob in the new play last night?

> M: Great! He was head and shoulders above the rest of the cast.

> Q: what does that man mean?

> The expression

> and shoulders above


> 提防;寻找] answer choices that take that idiom literally and turn it into > something silly.

> 3.OPPOSITES相反的选择

> Another of ETS's favorite trap answers is what we call a sound-alike. > Sound-alikes take some of the words and sounds from the statement or

> dialogue and rearrange them so that they have a totally different meaning. > Remember this example?

> (A) Sunday is a day Mary often works.

> (B) Mary rarely works on Sunday.

> (C) Some days Mary's work is awful.

> (D) Mary has had a terrible cough since Sunday.

> The statement was

> Sunday is usually Mary's day off.

> We already found the opposites in these answers, (A) and (B), and one > extreme answer, (C). So now look at how ETS might trap you with sounds. > Notice how many things in the answer choices echo [回响] the word

> answer, (B), is one of the pair of opposites, is not silly or extreme, and > contains the fewest sound-alikes.

> After you've found the opposites and silly answers, choose the answer > choice that sounds

> You'll notice that many sound-alikes can also be eliminated using common > sense.

> Summary of Strategy

> 技巧总结

> Step 1: Read the answer choices before you hear the question.

> Step 2: While reading, look for

> ² The topic for Part A.

> ² The topic or the question for Part B.

> ² Opposite pairs in the answer choices

> ² Anything that violates common sense.

> Step 3: Listen to confirm what you found in step 2.

> Step 4: Choose your answer. If you are still undecided, choose the answer

> choice containing the fewest sounds from the statement or dialogue. > [李阳·克立兹三最口腔肌肉训练记录为:15秒]


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> 5184 论坛 » 交流区 » 资料共享 » 英语谚语100句 >



> 作者: 标题: 英语谚语100句 上一主题 | 下一主题



> 英语谚语100句

> 1.A cock is bold on his dunghill.站在粪堆上,公鸡也称王。

> 2.A barley-corn is better than a diamond to a cock.对一只公鸡来说,一颗麦 粒

> 优于一颗钻石。

> 3. A good lawyer,an evil neighbour.好律师不是好邻居。

> 4. Though the fox run,the chicken hath wings.狐狸虽会跑,小鸡有翅膀。 5. > Where drums beat,laws are silent.战鼓一响,法律无声。

> 6. An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men.法官能公正,重 法

> 不重人。

> 7.All your swans are geese.你的美好希望(或诺言),全部成了泡影。

> 8. Laws catch flies and let hornets go free.法网只捕蝇,黄蜂由它去。 9.Old > birds are not caught with new nests.新网难捕老鸟。

> 10.The crow thinks his own bird fairest.乌鸦总以为自己的雏鸟最美。 11.A > kite will never be a good hawk.鸢永不会变成隼。

> 12.The fowler's pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught.捕禽人笛声悠 扬,

> 直吹得鸟儿落网。

> 13.One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不能成夏天(不可仅凭一种现象而遽 作

> 判断)。

> 14.He that will take the bird must not scare it.捕鸟休惊鸟。

> 15.Cats hide their paws.猫儿不露爪。

> 16.It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest.家丑不可外扬。

> 17.In every country dogs bite.天下有狗都咬人。

> 18.Eagles fly alone,but sheep flock together.鹰爱独飞羊爱群。

> 19.A blate cat makes a proud mouse.猫儿腼腆,老鼠翻天。

> 20.The cuckoo comes in April,and stays the month of May;sings a song at

> Midsummer,and then goes away.布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然后 就

> 离开。

> 21.An owl is the king of the night.猫头鹰是黑夜之王。

> 22.It is said that

> 说猫儿有九命,忧虑多时也伤身。

> 23.Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.饿狗也吃脏布丁;饥不择食。 24.When > the weasel and the cat make a marriage,it is a very ill presage.黄鼠狼跟猫 儿

> 成亲,预兆不佳。

> 25.An old dog bites sore.老狗咬人咬得狠。

> 26. An old physician,and a young lawyer.医生老的好,律师年轻的好。 > 27.Barking dogs seldom bite.爱吠的狗不咬人。

> 28.If the hen does not prate,she will not lay.不叨叨的母鸡不下蛋。


> dog is valiant at his own door.站在家门口,狗也雄纠纠。 30.If the old dog > barks,he gives counsel.老狗叫,是忠告。

> 31.Mad dog bites his master.疯狗咬主人。

> 32.Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread.狗儿把尾 摇

> ,爱的是面包。

> 33.Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。

> 34.All are not thieves that dogs bark at.狗吠的人并非都是小偷。

> 35.Let sleeping dog lie.勿惊卧狗;切莫惹是生非。

> 36.While the dog gnaws bone,companions would be none.狗啃骨头无同伴。 > 37.Every dog has his day.片瓦也有翻身日;人人都有得意时。

> 38.Two dogs strive for a bone,the third runs away with it.两狗相争一骨头, 第

> 三只狗衔起走。

> 39.You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk.不能既要卖母牛,又想喝牛奶。 > 40.When a dog is drowning,every one offers him drink.待到狗溺水,众人给水 > 喝。

> 41.If the ox falls,whet your knife.牛一倒,快磨刀;人遭难,众人踩。 42.The > cow that's first up gets the first of the dew.早起母牛先得露。 43.The ox > when weariest treads surest.牛困走得稳。

> 44.He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick.有心打狗好找 棍

> ;欲加之罪,何患无辞。

> 45. New lords,new laws.新君立新法。

> 46.Pigs may fly,but they are very unlikely birds.猪儿纵会飞,终究不是鸟。 > 47.The bird loves her nest.鸟爱自己的窝。

> 48.You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.猪耳朵做不成丝钱包;巧 妇

> 难为无米之炊。

> 49.'Tis the early bird that catches the worm.早起的鸟先得虫;捷足先登。 > 50. That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.法官动感情,审判难

> 正。

> 51.Each bird likes to hear himself sing.每一只鸟都爱听自己歌唱。 52.The ox > is never woe,till he to the harrow go.挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。

> 53.The noisy fowler catches no bird.捕禽人大肆声张,鸟儿就不会落网。 54.A > horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats.不愿加鞍的马,不得吃 燕

> 麦。

> 55.Empty hands no hawk allure.空手不能诱鹰来。

> 56.He that will have his farm full,must keep an old cock and a young bull. 想

> 使农庄充裕,就得养一只老公鸡和一头小公牛。

> 57.A gloved cat catches no mice.戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。

> 58. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.鸡蛋还未孵,先别数 鸡

> 雏;莫过早乐观。

> 59.Fat hens lay few eggs.肥鸡下蛋稀。

> 60.It is a blind silly gooes that comes to the fox's sermon.只有盲目的笨鹅 才

> 会去听狐狸讲道。

> 61.When the cat's away,the mice will play.猫儿不在家,老鼠就玩耍;猫儿不在 耗

> 子闹。

> 62.What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.适用于甲的也适用于 > 乙。

> 63.Ale will make cat speak.喝了淡啤酒,猫也会开口;酒后使人说话多。 64.A > crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.乌鸦不管怎样经常洗澡, 也

> 不会变白。

> 65.All his geese are swans.他喜欢夸大其词;敝帚自珍。

> 66.Wheresoever the carcase is,there will the ravens be gathered together. 哪

> 里有死尸,乌鸦就成群。

> 67.Grain by grain,and the hen fills her belly.一颗接一颗,母鸡填饱肚。 > 68.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手;十 赊

> 不如一现。

> 69.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。

> 70.A bird is known by its note,and a man by his talk.鸟以声闻,人以言知。 > 71.A cat may look at a king.猫也有权看国王;小人物也该有些权利。 72.The > snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner.燕 子

> 一飞就上塔,蜗牛悄悄爬,最后也上塔。

> 73.Beware of a silent dog and still water.哑狗和静水,二者都得防。 74.When > the owl sings,the nightingale will hold her peace.枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。 > 75.Too much pudding will choke dog.布丁太多噎死狗。

> 76.The bird that can sing and won't sing must be made to sing.生来能唱的

> 不愿唱也得叫它唱。

> 77.Help the dog over the stile.助人度过难关。

> 78.The cat and dog may kiss,yet are none the better friends.猫狗虽相吻,总 难

> 成好友。

> 79.An old dog cannot alter its way of barking.老狗难改常吠声。80.All cats > love fish but fear to wet their paws.猫儿性爱鱼,却怕爪弄湿;想获得珍品的 人

> 不愿冒必要的风险

> 81.Never cast your pearls before swine.不要把珍贵之物送给不识货的人;勿明 珠

> 暗投;勿对牛弹琴。

> 82.Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.莫因狗尾摇,次次丢 面

> 包。

> 83.Not all butter that the cow yields.母牛所产的未必全是黄油。

> 84.Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.远处狗就叫,近身不会咬。 > 85.Many good cows have evil calves.很多好母牛,会生坏小犊。

> 86.Young cocks love no coops.小公鸡不恋笼。

> 87.Old oxen have stiff horns.牛老角硬。

> 88.Every dog is a lion at home.狗在家中,八面威风。

> 89.The black ox has trod on his foot.祸事临头。

> 90.A living dog is better than a dead lion.活狗胜于死狮。

> 91.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞。

> 92.A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.肉骨头打狗狗不叫。 93.A > good horse oft needs a good spur.好马常需好靴刺。

> 94.A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane.猪死都因身过肥;象以齿 焚。


> 95.If the sky falls,we shall catch larks.天垮正好抓云雀;不要杞人忧天。 > 96.An ox is taken by the horns,and the man by the tongue.牛因角被执,人因 舌

> 陷身。

> 97.The best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching.最好 的

> 马儿要人驯,最伶俐的孩子要人训。




> 我是狼群里的羊-咩!-Enjoy Sec.Killing!

> 一个人需要技巧和智慧,但最不能缺少的,是原则和信念!


> 2005-1-25 10:12 #1







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