



老师提示:1. 注意时态用过去式;2. 注意人称。


(1)Know yourself as well as the enemy you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat:知已知彼

(2)Seeing is believing:眼见为实

(3)win win cooperation:互惠互利

(4)great minds think alike:心有灵犀

4、The ratio of the sides of a triangle is 2:4:7,if the perimeter of the triangle is 66.3cm,what is the length of the longest side? the length of the longest side is_________cm.

5、38% of a pole is painted red,26%is painted yellow and the rest is painted black. if the pole is 2.6m long.what length of the pole in painted black?

6、A train left Town A at 8:50am,it passed Town B at 9:30am.and arrived at Town C at 10:30am. The distance between Town A and Town B is 100KM. Between Town B and Town C, the train traveled at 110KM/H. What was the average speed of the train for the whole journey?

7、Mr.Wong bought a house for $182000.He paid $28208.The remainder will be paid in monthly instalments for another 12 years. how much must he pay for each instalment? $__________.

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