

摘要:近年来,我省交通基础建设得到迅猛发展,各地兴建了大量的混凝土桥梁。在桥梁建造和使用过程中,有关因出现裂缝而影响工程质量甚至导桥梁垮塌的报道屡见不鲜。本文尽可能对混凝土桥梁裂缝的种类和产生的原因作较全面的分析、总结,以方便设计、施工找出控制裂缝的可行办法,达到防范于未然的作用。 关键词:桥梁;种类;裂缝;原因

abstract: in recent years, the save traffic infrastructure has been the rapid development; we built a large number of concrete bridge. in the bridge construction and the use

process, the result of cracks and even affect the quality of the project by reports of the bridge collapse it is often seen. in this paper, as far as possible to provide a more

comprehensive analysis and summary for the cracks on the concrete bridge types and the causes, in order to facilitate the design, construction to identify feasible crack

controlling methods, to the role of preventive measures. key words: bridge; cracks; causes;

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