
L es s on 66 S we et as h on ey

Ne w wor ds a n d exp ressi ons

Lancaster 1.兰开斯特(美国pennsylvania东南部一城 市) 2.兰喀斯特式飞机 3.英国Lancashire的首府=Lancashire兰开夏 郡 Lancaster of the USA Lancaster of england Bomber n. bomb v;  to attack sb /sth by leaving a bomb in a place or by dropping bombs from a plane 轰炸;对„投炸弹  Terrorists bombed several army barracks.  to fail a test or an exam very badly (考试)惨败  The exam was impossible! I definitely bombed it.  of a play, show, etc. 戏剧、演出等 to

fail very badly 大败;票房极差;不卖 座  His latest musical bombed and lost thousands of dollars. noun a weapon designed to explode at a particular time or when it is dropped or thrown 炸弹 a bomb attack/blast/explosion 炸弹爆炸 a bomb goes off/explodes 炸弹爆炸 extensive bomb damage 轰炸造成的巨大破坏 Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city. 几百枚炸弹投到了这座城市。 Idiom: go down a bomb British English; go (like) a bomb to be very successful 十分成功 Our performance went down a bomb. 我们 的演出获得了巨大成功。 The party was really going (like) a bomb. 晚会办得非常成功。

remote  far away from places where other people live 偏远的;偏僻的 ~ (from sth.)  one of the remotest areas of the world  The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.  far away in time 遥远的; 久远的 only

before noun

in the remote past/future a remote ancestor(= who lived a long time ago) 远祖 a remote dream/goal  of people not closely related 关系较 远的;远亲的 only before noun a remote cousin  that you can connect to from far away, using an electronic link 远程的;远 程连接的 a remote terminal /database  very different from sth 相差很 大的;极不相同的 ~ (from sth)

 His theories are somewhat remote from reality. 他的理论有点儿脱离现实。 APEC 亚太经济合作组织 NATO 北大西洋公约组织 Its name is derived from the Latin name, “peaceful sea”by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.  peaceful or loving peace 平静的;和 平的;爱和平的  We are pacific people.  The night is pacific. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation North Atlantic Treaty Organization Europe Asia Africa Australia North America South America Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean

Damage v. 毁坏 Vt. to harm or spoil sth/sb 损害;伤害; 毁坏;破坏

 The fire badly damaged the town hall.  Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.  Smoking seriously damages your health.  emotionally damaged children 感 情上受伤害的孩子 n. physical harm caused to sth which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable (有形的) 损坏, 破坏, 损失 【U】 ~ (to sth)  The storm didn't do much damage.  emotional damage resulting from divorce  damage to a person's reputation  This

could cause serious damage to the country's economy. Wreck n.残骸 沉船;严重损毁的船; (事故中)遭严重毁坏 的汽车(或飞机等) Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck. 有两名乘客仍被困在失事的车辆里。

a person who is in a bad physical or mental condition (身体或精神上) 受到严重损伤的 人 Physically, I was a total wreck. 从身体 上说,我完全是一个废人。 The interview reduced him to a nervous wreck. 这次面试使得他的精神高度紧张。 a vehicle, building, etc. that is in very bad condition 状况非常糟糕的车辆 (或建筑 物等) informal The house was a wreck when we bought it. 我们买下这座房子时,它破烂不堪。 verb to damage or destroy sth 破坏;损坏;毁 坏 The building had been wrecked by the explosion. 那座楼房被炸毁了。 survey n. 调查 an investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking

them questions 民意调查;民意测验 The survey found/revealed that„ 民意测 验发现╱显示„ to conduct/carry out a survey 进行一项民 意调查 the act of examining and recording the measurements, features, etc. of an area of land in order to make a map or plan of it 测量;勘测;测绘 an aerial survey(= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) 航空测量 Verb to look carefully at the whole of sth, especially in order to get a general impression of it 查看;审视;审察 The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire. He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out. rescue v. 营救 Verb

to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful or unpleasant situation挽救,解救(通常 是从危险情况中) eg. They rescued a boy from drowning. 他们从水中救起了一个男孩子。 eg. The firemen rescued a baby from the burning house. 消防员从着火的房子里救出了一个婴儿。 Noun. n. 挽救 come to a person’s rescue 来营救某人 go to a person’s rescue 去营救某人。 rescuer n. 求助者,搭救者 (近义词) save 1) v. 挽救,拯救,搭救 eg. He saved his child from drowning. 他从水中救起了他的孩子。 2) v. 储存(金钱,体力);储蓄,保留 eg. He is saving his money to buy a bicycle. 他存钱是为了买自行车。

aerial adj. 航空的 aerial bombardment 轰炸 an aerial survey 航空勘测 an aerial railway 悬浮列车 aero- 前缀 空气的,飞行器的 package v. 把„打包 1) n. 包 open a package 打开一个包 a package of books 一包书 2)vt 将(某物)包装,将„„打包(为了出 售) eg. They packaged the mouse in a beautiful box and sent it to their teacher. 他们把老鼠包在一个漂亮的盒子里并送给 了老师。 enthusiast n.热心人 a person who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or activity

a keep-fit enthusiast a model-aircrasf enthusiast enthusiasm

[in'θ ju:ziæzəm, in'θ u:-] n. [u] 热心,热情,热忱 eg. He has great enthusiasm for personal computer. 他对个人电脑很热衷。 eg. Learning English needs enthusiasm, diligence and good methods. 学英语需要 热情、勤奋及好方法。 enthusiastic [in,θ ju:zi'æstik]adj. 热 情的,热心的 eg. He knew little about our trouble, but was very enthusiastic. 他对我们的问题知之甚少,但却很热心。 eg. She is an enthusiastic admirer of the film star. 他狂热地崇拜那位电影明星。 eg. He became enthusiastic about classical music. 他成了一个古典音乐迷了。

enthusiastically [in,θ ju:zi'æstikəli] adv.热心地,热情地 restore v. 修复 to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position 1) v. 重建,修复(建筑、艺术品等),恢复 原状(恢复健康) restore one’s health 恢复健康 restore one’s confidence 恢复信心 restore the plane 修复飞机 restore a china vase 修复瓷花瓶 2)v. 恢复原职 (restore sb. to ) eg. The company restored him to him former job. 公司恢复了他原来的工作。 imagine vt. 想像 to form or have a mental picture or idea of something 1) v. 想象(不可用于进行时)

imagine + n. eg. Can you imagine life without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗? imagine doing sth. eg. I didn’t imagine becoming a writer in my childhood. 小时候我从没想过会成 为一个作家。 eg. He imagined owning a big house with a beautiful garden. 他想拥有一间有花园 的大房子。 imagine that/wh- (宾语从句) eg. Imagine that you are studying in Harvard University. 想象一下你正在哈 佛大学学习。 2)v. 想„„,推测 eg. Can you imagine what he is doing? 你 能猜到他在干什么吗? imagination n. 想象,想象力 vivid imagination 鲜活的想象力

preserve v. 保护 to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed; to conserve imagine doing sth. 1)v. 保护 =protect preserve your eyes 保护你的眼睛 preserve wild animals 保护野生动物 2 ) v. 维护,维持,保持 = maintain preserve one’s strength 储存体力 preserve one’s eyesight 保护视力 Words and expressions: • Lancaster ['læŋkəstə] n. 兰开斯特 • bomber ['bɔ mə] n. 轰炸机 • remote [ri'məut] adj. 偏僻的 • Pacific [pə'sifik] n. 太平洋 • damage ['dæmidʒ ] v. 毁坏 • wreck [rek] n. 残骸 • rediscover [.ri:di'skʌvə] v. 重新发 现 • aerial ['ε əriəl] adj. 航空的

• survey [sə:'vei, 'sə:vei, sə-] n. 调 查 • rescue ['reskju:] v. 营救 • package ['pækidʒ] v. 把......打包 • enthusiast [in'θ ju:ziæst. inθ u:-] n. 热心人 • restore [ri'stɔ:] v. 修复 • imagine [i'mædʒin] v. 想像 • packing case ['pækiŋ keis]包装箱 • colony ['kɔləni] n. 群 • bee [bi:] n. 蜂 • hive [haiv] n. 蜂房 • preserve [pri'zə:v] v. 保护 • beeswax ['bi

:zwæks] n. 蜂蜡

What was‘sweet as honey ’and why?

The fourth engine was as sweet as honey because it was preserved in beeswax. Answer questions: 1.The plane wasn’t too badly__. 2.BY this time , a Lancaster bomber in __

condition was rare and worth __. 3.The French authorities __the plane __and __ in parts back to France. 4.Now a group of enthusiasts __ going to __ the plane __. 5.It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines ,but the group will __to __ only three of them __. TEXT

• 1. In 1963, a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa [sə'məuə].

(背景知识) 英国兰开斯特轰炸机(AVROLancaster)作为二战中皇家空军轰炸机的主战机种,“兰开斯特” 累计出击 156192 架次,雄居全英之首!累计投弹 608612 吨,占皇家空军战时总投弹量的三分 之二。1943 年 5 月“炸坝行动”,攻击德国工业中心周围的水坝,进而衰减德国的军事工业 生产。1944 年 11 月 12 日,皇家空军完成了第二次世界大战中最为成功的精确轰炸任务, 击沉了德国的 “提尔皮茨海军上将”号战列舰。

crash • ① n. (飞机的)坠毁,迫降 • eg. All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. • 所有乘客在飞机坠毁中都丧生了。 • ② v. (飞机)坠毁;(汽车)冲撞,使冲撞 • eg. The plane crashed in the mountains. • 飞机在山区坠毁了。 • eg. He crashed his car into the wall. • 他的车撞到墙上去了

• A Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis ['vɑ:lis] Island ['ailənd] • 一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛坠毁了。

2. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.

• over the years= during the years that followed

• • • • • • • • • • • • • remain ① vi 仍然,依然 eg. The weather still remained cold in April. 四月份了,天气依然很冷。 ② v. 尚待,留待 eg. Nothing remains to be said. 现在已经没什么好说的了。 eg. It remains to be seen whether he will pass. 他能否通过考试仍不得而知。 ③ v. 停留 eg. How long will you remain here? 你能在这儿呆多久? remains n. 残留物,余额;(建筑物的)遗址;(人或动物)尸体, 残骸;遗体

• 3. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally [.æksi'dentli] rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. • accidentally [.æksi'dentli]=by chance/

by accident • 4. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.

• • • • • • • • •

(1)reasonable ①adj. 合理的,有道理的 a reasonable suggestion 合理的建议 ②adj. 有理性的,懂得事理的,明白道理的 eg. Man is a reasonable creature. 人是有理性的动物。 eg. Be reasonable. 要讲道理。 ③ adj. (价钱)合理的 at a reasonab

le price 以合理的价格

• (2) be worth doing值得做(用主动表示被动)

• • • • 这本书值得一读。 eg. This book is worth reading. 他的建议值得考虑。 eg. His suggestion is worth considering.

• be worth + n.

• eg. I don’t think it’s worth the trouble. • 这认为这件事情不值得费神 • (扩展):

• worthy adj.

• be worthy of sth. 配得上的,应受到的,值得的

• eg. His deed is worthy of praise. = His deed is worthy to be praised. 的行动值得表扬。(被表扬)

• 5. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. • (1)authorities (pl. ) 当局,官方 • (2)have sth done (someone do it) • had the plane packaged • had the plane moved.

• 6. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.

• • • • • 【英语中表示“群”这个概念的有】 group 群,组(可指人、事物) a group of girls 一群女孩 a group of trees 一片树 a group of houses 一片房子

• crowd 人群 • a crowd of 一堆 • a crowd of book 一堆书 • colony (生长在同一地方的动植物的)群 • a colony of bees a colony of ants

• swarm (昆虫,鸟类等移动中的)大群;尤指蜂群;(令人反感的) 大群人 • a swarm of people

• • • • • • • •

herd 兽群,尤指牛群;(指人群含有贬义) a herd of deer 一群鹿 a herd of cows 一群奶牛 a herd of elephants 一群大象 flock 鸟群,羊群,人群 a flock of ducks 一群鸭子 a flock of sheep 一群羊 a flock of people 一群人

• 7. It has four Rolls-Royce ['rəulz'rɔis](劳斯莱斯) Merlin ['mə:lin] engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt.

• 8. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. • (1)honey • ①蜜 as sweet as honey像蜜一样甜 • ②(美)甜心 =darling, baby • eg. It’s time for bed now, honeys. 孩子们该睡觉了。

(2)perfect • ①adj. 完美的,完好的 • a perfect car 完美无缺的车 • a perfect gentleman 十全十美的绅士 • ②adj. 完整无缺的 =complete

• • • • • •

eg. He is proud of his perfect set of teeth. 他以有一口完美的牙齿而自豪。 a perfect copy 完全相同的副本 ③ perfect [pə'fekt] v. 使完成,做完,完成 perfect a new theory 完善新理论 perfect a picture 完成一幅画

• (3)condition • ①n. 状态,情形,健康状态 • eg. My car is old but in good condition. 我的车很旧 但状况良好。 • eg. He is not in a condition to make a long trip. • 他状态不佳,不能做长途旅行。 • ②(周围的)状况 =situation • the present condition 现状 • on this condition 在这种状况下 • ③社会上的身份,地位,环境 • a man of condition

有身份的人 • 9. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! • (1) a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂 • (2) turn „ into„ 把„„变成

Key structure

• 1. have/has/had + n./pron. + done 使„.做„(强调的是让人去做,但不关心/ 不知道谁去做)

Eg. I washed my car.(=I wash it myself.) I had my car washed. (=I asked/employed someone to wash my car.) I’m going to clean my suit. • 复合名词 1.做”整体”概念讲时,谓语动词用单数 2.做”成员”讲时,谓语动词用复数。 Such as: police、family、class、group„

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