


第一部分:机场常单见英语标示及通用词:第二部分 第三部分:入境英语



Business Hours: 营业时间 Office Hours: 办公时间 Entrance/ in : 入口 Exit/ out : 出口 Push: 推 Pull: 拉 Shut: 此路不通 On: 打开(放) Off: 关 Open: 营业 Pause: 暂停 Closed: 下班 Fragile: 易碎 Introduction: 说明 Keep Right/Left: 靠右/左 严禁吸烟:No smoking 酒店:hotel 房号:room number 退房:check out 登记手续办理:check-in 出站(出港,离开): departure 中转处:transfer correspondence 过境:transit 登机牌:boarding pass(card) 护照检查处:passport control immigration

Stop: 关闭 Menu: 菜单

This Side Up: 次面向上 One Street: 单行道

Buses Only: 只准公共汽车通过 勿进:No entry 洗手间:rest room/toilet 酒店入住(登记):check- in 吃饭结账:bill, please 机场:airport 中转:transfers

登机口:gate/departure gate 进站(进港,到站):arrivals 机场候机楼:airport terminal

行李领取处:luggage claim/baggage claim

出租车:taxi 航班号:FLI No.(flight number) 航空公司汽车服务部:airline coach service 公共汽车:bus 起飞时间:departure time 飞机延误:delayed

登机:boarding 由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures

餐厅:restaurant 由此上楼:up/upstairs 由此下楼:down/downstairs 银行:bank 订旅馆:hotel reservation 行李牌:luggage tag 东:east 西:west 中国国航: Air China 旅游者:tourist 飞机票:air ticket 伊朗:Iran 不需报关:nothing to declare 购票处:ticket office 起飞:take-off 海关申报表:customs declaration

免税店:duty-free shop

货币兑换处:money(currency) exchange 行李暂存箱:luggage locker 机场小巴:shuttle 南:south 北:north

护照:passport 中国人:Chinese 中国:China 报关物品:goods to declare 海关:customs 付款处:cash 问讯处:Information Center 签证:Visa

第二部分 办理登机:

开始办理乘机手续通知: 前往____①的旅客请注意:

您乘坐的〔补班〕⑩____②次航班现在开始办理乘机手续,请您到____③号柜台办理。 谢谢!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:

We are now ready for check-in for 〔supplementary 〕⑩flight ____② to ____ ①at counter No. ____ ③. Thank you.


乘坐〔补班〕⑩____②次航班前往____ ①的旅客请注意:

由于〈1. 本站天气不够飞行标准 2.航路天气不够飞行标准 3. ____ ①天气不够飞行标准4. 飞机调配原因 5.飞机机械原因 6.飞机在本站出现机械故障 7.飞机在____ ①机场出现机械故障 8.航行管制原因 9. ____ ①机场关闭 10.通信原因〉(11),本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。〔预计推迟到____ ⑤点____ ⑥分办理。〕⑩请您在出发厅休 息,等候通知。 谢谢!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:

Due to 〈1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the ____ ①airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the____ ① airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of ____ ①airport. 10.communication trouble〉(11),the 〔supplementary 〕⑩flight ____② to____ ①has been delayed . The check-in for this flight will be postponed 〔to____ ⑤:____ ⑥ ⑩.Please wait in the departure hall for further information. Thank you.

前往____ ①的旅客请注意:催促办理乘机手续通知:

您乘坐的〔补班〕⑩____②次航班将在____ ⑤点____ ⑥分截止办理乘机手续。乘坐本次航班没有办理手续的旅客,请马上到____ ③号柜台办理。 谢谢!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:

Check-in for 〔supplementary 〕⑩flight ____② to____ ① will be closed at ____ ⑤:____ ⑥Passengers who have not been checked in for this flight , please go to counter No. ____ ③immediately. Thank you.


乘坐〔补班〕⑩____②次航班由____ ①经本站前往____ ①的旅客请注意: 请您持原登机牌到〔____ ③号〕⑩〈1. 柜台 2.服务台 3.问询台〉(11)换取过站登机牌。 谢谢!

attention please:

Passengers taking 〔supplementary 〕⑩flight____② from ____ ① to ____ ① , Please go to the 〈1. Counter 2.service counter 3. InFORMation desk〉(11)〔N0. ____ ③〕⑩ to exchange your boarding passes for transit passes. Thank you



May I see your passport, please? Where are you staying? 麻烦请给我你的护照。 将在那儿住宿?

Here is my passport / Here it is I will stay at Boston Hotel.

4 F

这是我的护照。 我将住在波士顿饭店。

What's the purpose of your visit?

Sightseeing(Businese) 观光(公务) 。


I'm just passing through.



每个国家的出、入境申报规则皆不同,有些国家不准许携带农产品,有 些国家规定携带现金额度,然而,无论规则为何,按照出、入境国家的 规则照实申报,是必须确实遵守的原则。若被查获,不仅在金钱上必须 付出加倍罚款,而且会破坏旅游心情。因此,最好在出发前打听好目的 国是否有特殊申报规定,以免兴冲冲带了一堆东西,却被海关全数没收。 Your passport and declaration card, please. 请出示护照和申报。

This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan. 这是我要带去台湾的当地纪念品。

Do you have anything to declare? No, I don't. 是否有任何东西需要申报? 没有。

Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.

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你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗? 是的,我带了两瓶酒。

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Please open this bag. The camera is for my personal use. 请打开这个袋子。 这个相机是我私人使用的。 O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit. 好了! 请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员。


你好:How are you 早上好:good morning 下午好: good afternoon 晚上好:good evening 谢谢:thank you 不用谢:not at all

很高兴认识你:nice to meet you 请问你叫什么名字:What is you name, please?

你来自哪里?Where are you from 打扰一下:Excuse me? 多少钱?How much 欢迎来工地:Welcome to job site. 我想托运这件行李: 请给我一份海关申请表? please?

请问免税店在那? 请问登机门是几号? 请问6号登机门在哪? 请问售票处在哪? 请问入境处在哪? 在哪? Where is …… 是谁? Who is…… 哪个? Which is …… 为什么?Why ……

我的名字叫……: My name is …… 你能帮助我吗?Can you help me? 我迷路了:I am lost.

他是我的同事:He is my fellow I want to check this baggage.

May I have a customs declaration form, Where is the free shop, please? What is the gate number, please? Where is gate six? Where is the ticket office? Where is the immigration, please? 是什么?What is …… 是谁的?Whose ……

什么时间?When …… 怎样? How to ……

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