

Bella : You're impossibly fast and strong. 【46】Your skin is pale white and ice-cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight. How old are you?

Edward : Seventeen.

Bella : How long have you been 17?

Edward : A while.

Bella : I know what you are.

Edward : Say it. 【47】Out loud. Say it.

Bella : Vampire.

Edward : Are you afraid?

Bella : No.

Edward : Then ask me the most basic question. What do we eat? Bella : You won't hurt me. Where are we going?

Edward : Up the mountain. 【48】Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight. This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight. People would know we're different. This is what I am.

Bella : It's like diamonds. You're beautiful.

Edward : Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer, Bella. I'm a killer. Bella : I don't believe that.

Edward : That's because you believe the lie. It's 【49】camouflage. 【50】I'm the world's most dangerous predator.

【46】词汇解析:Your skin is pale white and ice-cold

注意这里的两个搭配:pale white 苍白;ice-cold 冰冷。


【47】口语词组:Out loud.

我们平时说“说出声来”都会用speak aloud ,而这里爱德华用一种命令的口气,说的是“out loud”。

【48】词组解析:Out of the cloud bank.

cloud bank我们平时用得还真不多,它其实是高空云层的意思。

bank 我们知道表示银行,它还有聚集了很多某样东西的场所,这里自然是指聚拢了很多的云咯。


camouflage 表示迷彩的颜色,而这里则是一个引申的意义,表示伪装。很容易想到其中的联系吧?

【50】词汇讲解:I'm the world's most dangerous predator.

predator 是指肉食性的动物,老虎狮子豹那些个,还有一个引申义是解释成掠夺者。 这里翻译的话,两者都不是很恰当,不妨理解成“嗜血怪物”更合适。

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