读懂交通标志 了解它们的英文释义(双语)

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读懂交通标志 了解它们的英文释义(双语)


There is song in English with a chorus that goes like this:有首英文歌是这么唱的:

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign?, Blockin’ out the scenery,breakin’ my mind, ?Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read thesign?


This song is very fitting because today’s post is about signsin English, signs that you will see on the road while driving orwhen walking down a street. Many of these signs are self

explanatory, because the symbols or pictures used are obvious,to get a message across to everyone, even if they can’t read.However, let’s take a closer look at the signs in the picturebelow, so you can fully understand what they mean in case youcome across one of them in America.


Starting with the top row, on the left side, we have a:


stop sign – When you see this sign you will have to come toa complete stop in your car or bike before you continue movingforward.


yield sign – This sign indicates that you need to slow down,but you may not have to come to a full stop.


crosswalk – This is a sign that indicates people have the rightof way to cross the street, so cars have to stop when they see aperson waiting next to one of these signs.


turning – This sign indicates that the road is turning ahead,so be careful.


hill – This sign indicates you are about to approach a hill.下坡——这个标志提示前方下坡。

Pitch it! – If you are looking for the nearest garbage or trashcan, keep an eye out for this sign, it will often indicate a publicgarbage can is nearby.


Second row:


speed limit – When driving in the United States you will haveto watch out for speed limit signs as the speed limit changesfrequently depending on where you are driving; the number onthis sign indicates the maximum miles per hour you can drive inthat area.


do not enter – This sign indicates you are not allowed toenter a road at that point.


dead end – This means that a road is ending and there willbe no other roads ahead to turn on.

此路不通——这表示路已经到尽头了,前方没有别的路了。Buckle up! – There are often signs on roads in the UnitedStates reminding people that wearing seat belts is mandatory(seat belts laws differ depending on what state you are in, but allUS states have seatbelt laws).


construction – This sign indicates there is construction

happening in the area and that you should slow down and becareful.


one way – This sign indicates which direction traffic is

flowing when cars are only allowed to drive in one direction.

单行道——这一标志标明车辆只能按标志上的方向单向行驶。Third row:


no u-turns – This sign indicates that u-turns are not allowedat the intersection where the sign is posted.


deer – If you see this sign you need to watch out for wildlife.野生动物出没——如果你看到这个标志,要注意野生动物。be alert for bears – This is another sign that is used to

indicate to drivers (and pedestrians) that they should be alert forwildlife in the area.


playground – This is the sign used to alert drivers that thereis a playground nearby, so it is a good idea to slow down andwatch for children.


parking – The letter P is often used to stand in for the word‘parking’ on signs where parking is allowed or prohibited.

停车场——标志上的字母P 代表停车,表示是否可以停车。

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