
朝阳堂晨更英语学习(7) 读经:诗篇24篇

(一切都属乎 神,荣耀的大君王) 1. 生词:

amazing grace------------------奇异恩典 sweet-------------------------甜,甜美,甘甜 bow-----------------------------鞠躬,俯伏 down---------------------------向下;倒下 worship------------------------敬拜 Alleluia------------------------哈利路亚 God our heavenly Father我们的天父上帝 Jesus our LORD 耶稣我们的主 Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Messiah 弥赛亚 2. 圣经经句

1.Have joy at all times. Keep on with your prayer, In everything give praise.“要


2.The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 敬畏耶和华是智

慧的开端,认识至圣者便是聪明!” (箴言9章10节)

3.Faith and Ture诚信真实(启19:11)

4.KING OF KINGS ANDLORD OF LORDS万王之王,万主之主(启19:16) 3. 常用句

1. You are GOD’S people.你是神的子民。 2. Praise the LORD! 赞美主! 4.诗歌


赞美敬拜你,主我王。 哈利路亚,哈利路亚,


朝阳堂晨更英语学习(7) 读经:诗篇24篇

(一切都属乎 神,荣耀的大君王) 2. 生词:

amazing grace------------------奇异恩典 sweet-------------------------甜,甜美,甘甜 bow-----------------------------鞠躬,俯伏 down---------------------------向下;倒下 worship------------------------敬拜 Alleluia------------------------哈利路亚 God our heavenly Father我们的天父上帝 Jesus our LORD 耶稣我们的主 Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Messiah 弥赛亚 2. 圣经经句

1.Have joy at all times. Keep on with your prayer, In everything give praise.“要


2.The fear of the LORD is the beginning

of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 敬畏耶和华是智

慧的开端,认识至圣者便是聪明!” (箴言9章10节)

3.Faith and Ture诚信真实(启19:11) 4.KING OF KINGS ANDLORD OF LORDS万王之王,万主之主(启19:16) 3. 常用句

1. You are GOD’S people.你是神的子民。 2. Praise the LORD! 赞美主! 4.诗歌


赞美敬拜你,主我王。 哈利路亚,哈利路亚,


朝阳堂晨更英语学习(7) 读经:诗篇24篇

(一切都属乎 神,荣耀的大君王) 3. 生词:

amazing grace------------------奇异恩典 sweet-------------------------甜,甜美,甘甜 bow-----------------------------鞠躬,俯伏 down---------------------------向下;倒下 worship------------------------敬拜 Alleluia------------------------哈利路亚 God our heavenly Father我们的天父上帝 Jesus our LORD 耶稣我们的主 Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Messiah 弥赛亚 2. 圣经经句

1.Have joy at all times. Keep on with your prayer, In everything give praise. “要


2.The fear of the LORD is the beginning

of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 敬畏耶和华是智

慧的开端,认识至圣者便是聪明!” (箴言9章10节)

3.Faith and Ture诚信真实(启19:11) 4.KING OF KINGS ANDLORD OF LORDS万王之王,万主之主(启19:16) 3. 常用句

1. You are GOD’S people.你是神的子民。 2. Praise the LORD! 赞美主! 4.诗歌


赞美敬拜你,主我王。 哈利路亚,哈利路亚,


朝阳堂晨更英语学习(7) 读经:诗篇24篇

(一切都属乎 神,荣耀的大君王) 4. 生词:

amazing grace------------------奇异恩典

sweet-------------------------甜,甜美,甘甜 bow-----------------------------鞠躬,俯伏 down---------------------------向下;倒下 worship------------------------敬拜 Alleluia------------------------哈利路亚 God our heavenly Father我们的天父上帝 Jesus our LORD 耶稣我们的主 Jesus Christ 耶稣基督 Messiah 弥赛亚 2. 圣经经句

1.Have joy at all times. Keep on with your prayer, In everything give praise.“要


2.The fear of the LORD is the beginning

of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 敬畏耶和华是智

慧的开端,认识至圣者便是聪明!” (箴言9章10节)

3.Faith and Ture诚信真实(启19:11) 4.KING OF KINGS ANDLORD OF LORDS万王之王,万主之主(启19:16) 3. 常用句

1. You are GOD’S people.你是神的子民。 2. Praise the LORD! 赞美主! 4.诗歌《耶稣我爱你》 耶稣我爱你,俯伏在你面前,

赞美敬拜你,主我王。 哈利路亚,哈利路亚,


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