旅游英语翻译 1

EX 6

1 从上海至南京旅游,能体验到与上海所不同的古都魅力。“六朝金粉地,金陵帝王州”。有着6000多年文明史和2400多年建成史的南京,与北京、西安、洛阳并称为“中国四大古都”。古老悠久的文化遗产,现代文明的经济都市,与蔚为壮观的自然景观构成了南京独特的园林城市面貌。南京地理区位优越,物产资源丰富,地处长江“金三角”地区,是中国区域经济中的重要城市。

Different from Shanghai, Nanjing as an ancient city will make you feel its unique glamour. It is the most thriving and prosperous city in six dynasties, and is a district ruled by emperors in different times. Having been civilized for more than 6000 years and been constructed for more than 2400 years, Nanjing along with Beijing, Xi’an and Luoyang is called one of the four ancient cities in China. The long-history cultural heritage, splendid natural scenery and its modern civilization make it a unique garden city. Located in the golden triangle of the Change Jiang River, Nanjing consequently is abundant with products for this superior location, and thus making it an important economy city of China.

2 秦淮河古名“淮水”,相传秦始皇东巡至金陵时,自江乘渡,依望气者言:凿方山断长龙,以泄金陵王气,故名秦淮河。在远古时代,秦淮河即为扬子江一支流,新石器时代,沿河两岸便人烟稠密,孕育了南京古老文化,有“南京的母亲河”之称。

Qinhuai River, ancient name-Huaishui, gained its name from Qin Shi Huang. They say when Qin Shi Huang came to Nanjing for a tour of inspection, he remarked “we should chisel the purple mountain, and cut the long dragon so as to let out the glory of emperor”. In remote epochs, it was a tributary of the Chang Jiang River and later in the Neolithic age, there lived lots of people on both sides. Then, the ancient culture of Nanjing occurred and it was even called mother river of Nanjing.

3 As you enter Switzerland, one of the most varied tourist countries in the world, through one of its border crossing points or airports, there opens up before you an interconnected system of comfortable Intercity trains, express and regional trains, romantic mountain railways, smart ships and post buses, providing easy access to its towns, mountains, lakes and valleys.


4 There are no strangers in Paradise. Perhaps the most beautiful part of Hawaii is the genuine warmth of people. We call it the spirit of Aloha. It has allowed a melting pot of cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places.

天堂没有陌生人。也许,夏威夷最美的地方在于那儿人们真挚的热忱,他们会称呼别人阿罗哈“也就是你好的意思”. 这儿就是一个文化的大熔炉,可以让世界各地的人在最安逸的地方达成共识,建立新的家庭。

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