

步入21世纪后,我国的社会主义市场经济体制有效运行,人民的生活水平和社会经济飞速发展。加之人口的增加和商品房的刚性需求,使房地产业成为了我国GDP 增长的中流砥柱,建筑工程行业跟随房地产业的机遇迎来了大规模的发展。但同时,建筑施工过程中的质量问题会关系到了建筑的耐久性、安全性与稳定性。混凝土作为建筑工程中的主要原材料之一,是建筑工程中质量控制的重要环节。在我国的东北、西北地区,气候寒冷,在某些情况下需要在冬季持续施工。如何在低温雨雪的施工条件下保障混凝土的有效质量,是本文探讨研究的重点。本文在对冬雨季施工的混凝土质量的研究的过程中,首先介绍了研究的背景及意义,研究的内容和方法。其次是混凝土在冬雨季施工的相关理论知识介绍。以宁夏回族自治区银川市华府万和城8号楼为例,对该项目在冬雨季低温条件下混凝土施工的质量问题进行研究,最后提出一些规避混凝土质量缺陷的措施,希望能够为建筑工程的混凝土冬雨季施工提供一些借鉴。

关键词 建筑工程;混凝土;质量;冬季施工;低温冻害


After entering the 21st century, our country's socialist market economic systems run efficiently, people's living standard and the social economy rapid development. Along with the increase of population and housing demand, the real estate industry has become a mainstay of China's GDP growth, construction engineering industry with the opportunity of the real estate industry ushered in the large-scale development. But at the same time, in the process of construction quality problems will be durability, security and stability of relationship to the architecture. As one of the main raw materials in the construction engineering, concrete is an important part of the quality control in construction projects. Northeast and northwest of China, cold weather, in some cases need continuous construction in cold winter. How to under the condition of low temperature sleet construction guarantee the effective mass of concrete, this paper is the focus on the research are discussed. This article in to the winter rainy season in the process of the construction quality of concrete research, first introduced the research background and significance, research content and method. Followed by the concrete construction in winter rainy season of the relevant theoretical knowledge is introduced. In Washington and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region Yinchuan city on the 8th floor, for example, for the project under the condition of low temperature in winter rainy season the quality problem of the concrete construction, finally put forward some avoid quality defects of concrete measures, hope to be able to provide construction engineering concrete winter rainy season construction with some reference.

Keywords construction work; concrete; quality; winter construction; cryogenic freezing

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