
  摘要:本文使用基于投入角度DEA的C2R模型分析2010年江苏省卫生资源配置效率,为更好的提高卫生资源配置效率提供理论上的依据。结果:江苏省各市资源配置效率总体来说较好,苏南的卫生资源配置效率高于苏中和苏北。大多数市投入的卫生资源没有得到有效的利用,其中尤以卫生技术人员和卫生系统固定资产为主。   Abstract: This paper used DEA C2R model based on the angle of input to analyze the health resources allocation efficiency of Jiangsu province,in order to improve health resource allocation efficiency. Results: the health resources allocation efficiency in general in cities of Jiangsu is good, and the health resource allocation efficiency in southern Jiangsu is better than middle and northern Jiangsu. The use of health resources in the most of the cities was inefficient,espectively the health workers and health system of fixed assets.   关键词:资源配置;DEA   Key words: resource allocation;DEA   中图分类号:R197 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2012)15-0305-02   

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